Our past

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After our one year anniversary I noticed a shift in Akuji's behaviour.
At the time I didn't quite realise how deep in his web of manipulation and lies I was.

"What did you just say?" Akuji had a angry look, but why?

We are at his home, we had just had some food and was chilling on the sofa with a movie on.

"I want to study Jujutsu at a school, Me and Leah were talking about. She was talking about how she will start going to a Jujutsu college next year and it sounds really interesting" I stare at him feeling uneasy as the way he is looking at me, what is wrong with what u said?

"Is Sophie going too?" I am struggling to read Akuji's face expressions.

"What do you-" my eyes widen in shock, I never told him about Sophie was a sorcerer.

"Why, did you think I didn't know?" He leans in closer moving his hand up to me neck as he traces where the necklace is then looks up at me "I always now everything when it comes to you" the way he said that wasn't sweet, there was darkness behind them words. 

I bite my lip and look away, he is making me feel so nervous right now.

He moves his hand up a bit higher resting it on my neck not putting any pressure.

"Your not going" He says with a stern tone using his thumb to move my face to him.

My eyes go wide "Why not?" 

"Because its dangerous, you don't need to get yourself involved in Jujutsu society, just stay with me and you wont have to worry about a thing" he glared

"That isn't your choice to make though its mine, I can do what I want with my life, my life isn't all about being with you" I push his hand away and storm off leaving his house to go home. I walk out into the warm night air and storm down the driveway I Put my shaking hand up to my neck still feeling where his hand was a cold sweat forming over my body even in the summer heat.

It feels restricting.


Its been a week since I have talked to Akuji after our little fight, he has been messaging and calling constantly. He has probably been knocking at my door too but I haven't been there.

I decided to stay at Sophies for the week. At the moment we are having lunch in a cute little café that we always went to as kids. Leah has joined us for some lunch, she has been visiting us all week too.

We are all sat outside in the shade drinking cool drinks as we try to keep cool in the heatwave while waiting for our food.

"I don't know what to do, I cant ignore him forever" I sip on my drink fazed out staring at the plant on our table

"Break up with him" They say synchronised with deadpan faces like its the most obvious thing.

"But isn't that extreme, I love Akuji and I know he loves me but sometimes his protectiveness gets overwhelming" my hand goes to touch my neck again, I'm not wearing the necklace he gave me.

"He isn't being protective he is being controlling Latoya, you may not see it but he is always manipulating you and has been since I first met him." Leah explains seeming to be acting cautious about the situation.

"Yeah I remember when I first met him the glare he gave me frightened me to the bone, and whenever we tried to make plans with you Infront of you he would suddenly get really needy and drag you off somewhere and then make sure you two were doing something at the same time as the plans" Sophie went on clearly having bad feeling towards Akuji.

"Yeah that's true..."

Yeah, they are right. Now thinking back he has always made something to be in his favour. I have hardly been able to do stuff without him and he always manages to get me to do what he wants, and if we do what I want I always feel bad so just end up doing what he wanted.

I bite my lip trying to control my tears, have I really been this stupid how did I not see this for all the years we have been friends or in a relationship.

"What are you lady's talking about?"

I feel a hand go on my shoulder, I freeze. What how did he find me.

I slowly turn to see Akuji looking at me with a smile, but under that smile I can see rage and anger. Shit.

I look over to Leah and Sophie, they are wide eyed with fear there hands slightly shaking.

"Sir shall I get you a seat?" A waitress come up to him unaware of the fear he is causing at our table

"That would be wonderful" He smiles at her, a fake smile . He sits down when the chair is brought over next to me and puts an arm round my arm bringing him close to him.

"So what were you talking about?" he is looking down at me, his grip tightening.

"N-Not much" I stutter "Just some girl talk" I put my best smile on, I can see Leah and Sophie doing the same.

"Hmm so you weren't talking about breaking up with me?" He glares at me his tone sending chills through my bones, I feel like I cant breathe.

"I-" I stare up tears starting to form in my eyes.

Before I can speak Leah stands up.

"So what if she is? Good for her your a manipulative selfish twat who doesn't deserve her"

"Leah..." I look over to her, seeing how brave she is gives me carriage.

"Akuji" I remove his tight grip off of me "I am breaking up with you" I stand up too and glare down at him.

When I look down at him his face expression is flat, what is he thinking.

Then he starts laughing, is he crazy?

"Sit back down" He grabs my wrist tightly, so much that I feel like it will break. I try to get it out of his hold but he just pulls me closer, at this point people are starting to stare.

"Did you think I would let you leave me, Now sit down before I kill everyone here right now" 


Is he serious?

"You wouldn't" I say in disbelief

"You really want to test that out? Because i know you know I could do it before you blink"  

I am going to be sick

This cant be happening

All of a sudden he removes his hand looking like he is in pain, what just happened?

Sophie then grabs my hand and runs off with my Leah Running with us with her eyes closed Sophie leading her to the car.

"He is in an illusion, He thinks you burned his arm and is still there in the café with him but it wont last long before the illusion wares off" Leah says with her eyes closed concentrating on her illusion.

We run to my car, Sophie leads Leah into her seat and we drive off.

That was the last time I saw Akuji, I changed number and when I told my family about it they decided we should move. I sent the necklace back to his house not wanting anything to with him.

These past few months I have been getting over Akuji and getting over my guilt, I hate that I put Leah and Sophie through all that, all the years of feeling uncomfortable around me and they still stayed with me the entire time. I hate that I am the reason m family had to move house putting them through the stress.

At one point I came to accept the situation. Yes it was my fault for being blind to all Akuji's red flags.

But he is the cause of all this, I wonder how different my life would of been if he never saw me using my technique. I really wonder.

But I cant wonder, I cant.

Because he is back, Will I ever be safe from his tight hold on my life?

Deception Sukuna x Oc x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now