Night out

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After the shower I get ready and head to Tokyo city with Gojo. It was nice being able to relax and not worry about things, even if it was only for a Night.

 Gojo showed me to a place that apparently has the best Nabe in all of Japan. It was a little hole in the wall restaurant, but it was really popular. There were a lot of people outside waiting to be seated, which was a bit surprising. It's not a really fancy restaurant so I wasn't sure why people would want to wait outside in the Cold. Even if It was nearly May the Spring nights were still pretty cold. 

We got inside we sat down to order.

"How do you know about this place? It seems pretty popular, it must be expensive right?" I asked excited to try my first Nabe.

"Nah not really, but it is really good. I come here whenever I'm in town."

"This is my first time Eating out here in Tokyo" I look up and smile at Gojo "thank you for taking me."

Gojo was looking at me intensely again. It made me awkward so I look away

"You're welcome, you don't need to thank me" He says with a grin

The food arrives at the table, I get my phone out to take a picture of the food because it looks amazing.

"Hey get in the picture" Gojo pulls me closer and I look to see he has got his phone out to take a picture of us and the food. He is holding his arm up, but his face is turned towards me, and he has a huge grin on his face. I smile back and put up a peace sign and we take the picture.

After the picture I start to eat digging in "oh my god this is amazing" I gleam at Gojo who is smiling back at me. We start eating our food and chatting about life. It's strange because it feels like we have known each other forever. I was surprised at how easy it was to talk to him and for the first time since I have arrived I finally feel like myself.

"what do you want to do after we finish here?" I ask him

"we could go dancing, and then get some drinks?"

"yeah that sounds like fun!" I said smiling

We finished our dinner and Gojo took me to the bar. 

When we get in we order our first drinks, It doesn't take me long to realise Gojo is a lightweight. It's kind of cute though. After a couple more rounds of drinks I notice that Gojo has been getting really touchy, nothing inappropriate, just a hand on my waist when we dance or holding my hands.

"You never told me you were a lightweight" I laugh at him. He pouts and puts his head down on the table

"I'm not a lightweight I'm just not used to drinking. You've had a few too, so that's not fair" He whines

"It's ok" I reach my hand to pat his head

"your probably going to feel dead in training tomorrow, we should probably head back"

"Aww but I wanna stay, can't we just hang out a little longer?" He pouts

"Ok we can hang out for a little longer."

"Yay! We should go to the rooftop of the club."

I laugh at his childlike behaviour "if we go though no more drinks for you ok" I look at him faking a serious expression trying not to laugh at his behaviour 

"Okay" he grins and gets up to grab my hand to head to the roof

I follow him up to the rooftop and we sit on the bench that is there. The view was beautiful.

We sit there together in the cool spring air looking into the sky.

"This has been a great night" I sigh, for a moment I frown knowing I will have to face Akuji again tomorrow in training.

Deception Sukuna x Oc x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now