New life

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Walking out the airport I Reach the exit suitcase dragging behind me as I look for who is taking be to the school.

I then spot a lady in a black suit with a sign with my name on it and I walk over to her.

"Ah are you Latoya?" She smiles at me as I nod smiling back, She takes my luggage and shows me to the car.

In the car she was very friendly asking me some simple questions about my journey and how I am feeling .

When we arrive I am greeted by the teacher Yaga, I smile walking up to him going for a handshake but he gives me a hug taking me by surprise. 

He takes me to my dorm room, when I enter its a plain room with a bed and desk with a view of the Forest outside, its also full of my belongings in cardboard boxes I had sent over this past few weeks.

"I am giving you the first week off to get settled but first I want you to meet me on the training Grounds after changing into some gym clothes, there will be no other students there as they are out on a mission at the moment"

I nod as he exits the Room and I root through some of my boxes labelled clothes, why does he want me at the training grounds as soon as I get here? I think as I get dressed and leave going outside to see Yaga waiting for me.

When I reach him down the stairs he starts talking "I received your Information off your old Principle, Is your technique Elemental?" he askes curiosity in his voice

I nod and he continues "what element can you use?" 

I think for a moment "Well all of them?" I say hesitantly unsure if I should be truthful or not, I start to panic a bit unsure, Its all because of Him I'm like this.

His eyes widen in surprise but he quickly controls is shock "hmm all of them" he thinks for a moment "Can you show me your skill in 4 of them?"

I feel Anxiety surge though me unsure on what's right, I have never shown my exact strength to anyone but one person before always told not to by Him.

I decide to only show a little of each one not wanting too much attention on myself anyway, I just want a easy year no drama, no attention I just want to slide though this year with ease.

I step ahead, I show a little power from my Fire, water, earth and air cursed technique, nothing special but some techniques that have some strength in it. I turn around to walk away before I" hear him shout  

"Again" He seems angry, maybe disappointed

"what why?" I shout with confusion 

"Do it again but this time actually show your strength and don't hide it again"

I freeze, How does he know?

"I don't know what you mean" I say with a straight face used to lying about my power

"yes you do now" He point to the forest "use that fire element to burn in a straight line as far as you can, if you disappoint me again you will be in charge of the cleaning duties for a month" 

What?? I think for a moment on what's best, well I don't even know why he asked me to hide my strength in the first place so maybe this is better anyway I need to stop following what he told me, I'm no longer with him anymore he isn't a part of my life.

I Take a deep breath and get my hands out I then put all my strength and Shoot fire in an straight line. Fire shoots straight out quickly reaching 150 meters. I feel the the heat on my face, its warm and comforting and for a moment I forget what I am doing.

After a few minuets I stop my fire managing to reach 200 Meters.   

Before I can move Yaga then shouts "now regrow the forest your fire destroyed

He wants me to show him more??

I start to walk 100m to the midpoint of the damage, the fire was only 100cm in width so I could get it to a longer range so there isn't to much damage and because the fire is made from cursed energy.

I place my hand on the ground to help me reach further and close my eyes imagining all sorts of vegetation and greenery. when I open there is a 200m stripe of flowers, grass and all sorts of vegetation, I grimace knowing I went over bored and the stripe doesn't match the rest of the area.

When I stand up I feel a hand on my shoulder I turn round to see Yaga smiling warmly at me

"well done" he chuckles "I think I need to rethink your Grade, You are no Grade 2"

I chuckle nervously, ah crap there goes my quite easy route. 

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