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I wake up, my head is pounding and my eyes feel heavy. I feel myself in bed and wait how am I in bed?

"Latoya" A voice sounds next to me.

I open my eyes to see Nanami sitting on the edge of the bed looking at me with a soft gaze.

"Na- Nanami" I mumble squinting my eyes.

"How are you feeling?"

I close my eyes a moment trying to remember everything.

"How did you get in my room I locked the door" I groan, my head is killing me

"I picked the lock" He looks away


"You were passed out on the floor and were hurt" Me and Shoko were concerned when you didn't answer.

"I should get new locks if they can be picked so easily" I sigh

"How are you feeling?" He asks again


"Well your injuries are pretty bad, you should take it easy for a while"

"I wish I could" I Look away out the window, Its light outside.

"Are you mad at me?" Nanami whispers

"I would be lying if I said no" I continue to avoid his gaze, I cant blame him for being mad at me, But it hurt me when everyone shouted at me when I made a mistake.

"Latoya I'm sorry, I was just worried about you"

"Why didn't any of you listen to me" tears start to form

"Instead of asking if I was ok, If I was hurt and fine you all surround me shouting at me for making a mistake in judgment" I dig my nails into my palm on my uninured hand.

"I tried to protect you all, I didn't want any of you near him in case he tried to kill you too" Tears are falling.

"Latoya its not your fault-"

"Yes it is" I say sternly

"Look as much as I'm mad at all of you and hurt, I made a mistake and its my fault that he is gone, free to kill whoever he pleases" I clench my fists angry at myself.

"Latoya, You had a tough decision, no one blames you for having a hard time with it"

"Yes, they do" I look into his eyes

He stays silent

"How long was I passed out?" I change the topic

"A day, we thought about taking you to the hospital, but decided to wait"

A sudden realisation comes over me.

"Shit" I grab my phone off the night stand.

Its 1pm and I forgot Leah and Sophie are landing tonight.

"shit, shit, shit" I start to get up wincing from the sudden movement. 

"What is it?" Nanami stands.

"My friends are flying in, I have to go pick them up"

"Ill come with you"

"no its fine, Ill go alone"

I hear a knock on the door before Yaga comes in with Shoko when I tell them to come in.

"Ahh your awake Latoya" Yaga says

"Yeah" I mumble going around my room gathering things to get ready.

"You gave us all a scare" Shoko sighs sitting on my bed

Deception Sukuna x Oc x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now