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"Why did you leave me? We used to get along so well" Akuji says as he leans in stroking my cheek.

"Want me to list everything?" I glare at him brushing his hand away

He chuckles "No matter, right now I'm not here for that" His hand goes to the back of my neck.

"Get off me" I shout as I get up suddenly sending the chair back with me falling on the floor whacking my head.

Geeze that fucking hurt, I lay there for a second holding my head, my vision has black spots so I don't notice when Akuji comes over to me and moves the chair. He then picks me up.

My eyes shoot open "what are you doing?" I shout wincing at the thumping pain.

He says nothing glaring down at me as he sits himself on my bed with me on his lap.

I go to move away.

"Don't move" he seethes "See this is why you need me, your so clumsy"

He is checking my head where I hit it checking the damage. I wince as his hand trails over it.

I want to move, I really want to move but that tone scares me, I hate to admit that he still scares me.

"Your all good just a bump" he wraps his arms around me trapping me to him.

"Lets continue, I am here to to tell you just one thing today" He stares down at me.

"what is that then?" I say not looking his way feeling extremely uncomfortable.

Why do I have to be on his lap right now.

"Stay away from Satoru Gojo" His tone is cold and stern his grip tightening. 

Oh so this is it, this is what he wants

"Pfff" I laugh out in a little giggle amused by his demands.

"What do you find so funny?" His eyes bore into mine unamused by my laugh. 

"You wonder why we broke but yet here you are still trying to control me."

Ahh I see, I can really see his jealousy. He cant stand that he is weaker than Gojo.  

"Well this is a first, I never knew there was someone who made you insecure" I smile mockingly up it him

This makes me want to get even closer to Gojo.

"Insecure please that's hilarious" He chuckles out, but behind that I can tell he is putting a facade. He may be powerful but Gojo is more powerful and that is why he hates him.

While he speaks I look around trying to remember where I put my phone wanting to contact someone to come here because I cant stand another second alone with Akuji. 

He covers my eyes suddenly and comes in close whispering in my ear "Its such a shame you had to make things so difficult. I truly did love when you were unaware but I do love this side to you too" His other hand moves down my arm. 

Before I can say anything back I hear my door open.

"Hey Latoya where are the noodles at?" I hear Gojo shout as he comes through the door. I hear his footsteps approach until they stop. I cant tell what's going on.

"What the fuck do you think your doing?" I hear Gojo seethe

Suddenly I feel myself being tugged up Akuji's hands forced off me. Gojo tugged me into him so I stumble against his chest. He doesn't take his hand off my arm.

When I look up I can see Gojo's eyes full of rage staring at Akuji.

"You should stay out of others business Gojo" Akuji is glaring at Gojo

"You should stop bothering others who don't want your attention Akuji"

"Who said she doesn't want my attention?" He smirks at Gojo

"I think the fact she is crying says that idiot"

I'm crying? I bring my hands up to my face feeling the wet tears rolling down that I didn't realise was there

They continue to glare at each other until Akuji stands up.

"Come here Latoya" Akuji says sternly waiting for me.

I don't turn around to face him or move, I'm frozen in space Stuck on what to do.

"Latoya" Akuji's voice comes out in a horribly sweet voice that makes me feel sick.

He looks at me seeing that I am not moving then a horrible smirk plasters his face.

"What were your friends name again? Sophie and Leah if I remember correctly" He mentions them like he doesn't remember them well, when I know he does. I know how much he hates them.

"It would be awful if something happened to them."

What did that bastard just say? I'll kill him that fucking psychopath.

In that moment all my fear exit my body as I turned around stepping away from Gojo and Slap him hard in the face.

I stand there my hand shaking as I glare at him. He remains still his head to the side with red starting to form. Gojo is stunned behind me in shock but what I don't see is the amusement on his face.

Akuji looks back at me, but when I expected him to be mad a look of excitement falls over his face that chills me.

"You hit me, you actually hit me" He steps forward towards me. What the hell is wrong in his head he has actually gone fucking crazy.

Before he can say any more Gojo steps of and grabs him by his shirt and drags him to my door.

"That's enough out of you I think" he says as he pushes Akuji out and shuts the door. Akuji knows he doesn't have the upper hand and doesn't try to come in again.

I'm still stood in my bedroom when I hear Gojo start laughing his head off while he comes back.

"That was brilliant, actually brilliant"

He lays on my bed laughing with tears in his eyes as I stare at him in confusion. What was funny again?

"What's so funny?" I walk over and look down at him as he calms down.

"You probably don't understand, but I have known him for quite a few years. He has always acted like the most boring stuck up person always uninterested in everyone" he wipes his eyes and sits up and continues.

"I have never seen him act like that, who knew he was bat shit crazy? And that slap was amazing the look on his face was insane"

I laugh a little "You know what its totally my luck that I attract the crazy ones"

"I think Crazy is an understatement" he smirks as his eyes wonder to my hand. He gets off my bed and grabs my hand.

He then stand up and drags me over to my tap and runs it under cold water. I didn't realise how red it was until then. 

Gojo then grabs the soap and pours it on my hand.

"What the hell are you doing that's way to much soap you only need one pump not the whole bottle!" I shout at him as he is washing my hand.

"Your hand needs washing what is his crazy rubs off on you?" he looks up at me with a big smile.

I stare at him flabbergasted. I smile back "You know what that's true." 

He stops washing me and then looks me up and down. "you know what I have a great idea" He pushes me towards my bathroom"

"Have a shower and Ill be back soon, We will go out to eat better than some noodles" He winks at me as he walks out shouting "Be out on 30 mins" Before he closes the door.

Well that's my evening, I smile to myself. Well it sound better than being in the same building at Akuji. 

Deception Sukuna x Oc x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now