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"Latoya!" Gojo shouts as the building crumbles down , he covers her body using infinity to protect them both as the building crumbles down.

He hovers over her body thats lay unconsious "Latoya please wake up"

I hear someone talking to me but its hard to hear, as i open my eyes its dark and i become aware of the pain in my body fighting the exhaugshion looking up at who is speeking to me.

"Latoya! You're awake!"

I look up at him, i recognise his voice.

"Gojo" I manage to whisper

"Where are we its so dark" I groan trying to see him in the darkness

"were under the rubble" he gets his phone out and turns the torch on so we can see, I look around to see rubble around on top of Gojo but not touching him because of the infinity as he covers me with his body over mine so my face is looking up at his, I notice his sunglasses are missing and i can see his bright blue eyes.

"Are you ok?" He asks, I can feel him looking over my face and body inspecting me for any wounds, I know there are a lot.

"yeah just about, my body is killing me though" I wipe the blood from my moth.

"Did anyone else come with you?" i ask him looking up at his bright blue eyes.

"yeah everyone is here they are helping with the rescue"

"Im glad, that guy he was...strange" I close my eyes.

"what guy, are you alright you're bleeding a lot."

"The guy with a scar on his forehead was he not there?"

"No i havent seen anyone else"

"He was there, I fought him and he summoned those curses."

"We will talk about it later, you need to save your energy"

I nod not wanting to argue with him, I have never been this exhausted.

I hear movment outside the rubble, i close my eyes feeling tired "Im so sorry you had to save me on my first solo mission"

"Don't apologise, it was a tough mission" He watches my face wanting to touch it but knowing he cant with his infinity up protecting us

"Hey, Latoya, I know you're tired but I need you to stay awake ok."

I nod trying to stay awake by focusing on his blue eyes. 

"Sataru!" I hear someone shouting, i assume its Geto

"Were over here" Gojo replies

"Is Latoya with you" Geto says in a worried tone.

My eyes are slowly closing as my energy is leaving me.

"Yes she's with me, were safe. Can you get help we cant move" Gojo shouts to Geto 

"Yeah, I'm getting it now."

I hear more movement, and I see Geto and Yaga pull the rubble away and off of Gojo. My surroundings go bright.

"Is she alright, is she hurt?" I hear Geto ask in a panic.

"Yes, She is badly injured, She needs medical attention, Is Shoko here?" Gojo is speaking to Geto but my ears are ringing my head feeling heavy.

"Yes she's just here, Latoya can you hear me"

"Shoko's here, she's going to heal you, ok?" Gojo says in a worried tone as he looks down at me, the look in his eyes making my heart skip a beat.

Deception Sukuna x Oc x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now