First Solo mission

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 A week later I arrive at the mission location, Its an abandoned warehouse where apparently there has been sightings of a grade 1 cursed spirit.

The driver drops me off staying in the car as I head out towards the warehouse that's in a field.

I put a barrier up by myself something I recently learned and enter the place alone being cautious of my surroundings.

I wander around for a while, nothing in sight so I start to lower my guard and look around.

As i enter the middle of the warehouse the door opens and someone enters and i turn quickly to face them.

How did they get in the barrier?

"Who are you" I ask with caution unknowing where they came from and there intentions.

I look at them inspecting them, they seem pretty normal, young guy probably around 25 black hair but the only thing noticeable was the scar along his forehead

"So you're the new special grade" He grins as he stares at me.

I stare at him feeling uneasy, wondering who he is.

"What do you want, why are you here" I say in a low tone, preparing myself for battle if need be.

"There is something about you, something about the energy you emit I recognize" he frowns tilting his head "What family are you from?" he questions me

"I'm from an average family, I'm the only sorcerer in my family" 

"No. That's not possible" he steps closer and I take a step back.

"What's not possible"

"You. What is your name?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"You don't want to tell me?" He is calm but seems to be amused by my wariness towards him

"I don't" I firmly say glaring

"Hmm. I could find out, but i want you to tell me"

That's it I have had enough of this

As he walks closer at a steady pace I Create large vines out the ground to keep him still not wanting to use violence just yet

"Ohhh, Now this is interesting" His eyes widen in glee

"I'm not playing any games, Why are you here."

"You really have no clue do you."

"Clue about what, you are starting to irritate me."

"The energy you have, It's exactly the same as them back then"

"Who are you talking about?" Is he talking nonsense or what 

"I know who you are, and now I know for certain, your name."

"I don't know what you are talking about" I say anger starting to surface

"Oh, you are very interesting. Very, very interesting" he smiles and licks his lips as if I'm prey.

"Test of my powers?" My eyes widen in shock

He smirks and creates a dark purple cloud, the cloud moves and morphs into 10 Curses, a mixture of grade 1 and 2.

I charge towards one that seems to be the biggest threat But when I step forward my body goes flying back almost like my gravity changed.

Shit, a gravity Curse.

Any step I take on this ground will presumably send me flying in a different direction

I get up and run towards it again and as soon as my foot hits the ground I'm send flying towards the ceiling

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