Cats out the bag

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The next morning I wake up to the sun in my eyes, realising I'm not in my bed my brain takes a moment to realise where I am.

I turn around and see Gojo Infront of me, his hair is messy, and he is breathing slowly.

His hand is on my hip, His chest is bare, and the sheets are barely covering him.

I grab the sheet and cover him properly, then I look at the clock on his bedside table.

12:00, Its the middle of the day, I sit up and feel a stinging sensation.

"Mmm, Why are you awake" Gojo grumbles as he grabs the sheet and pulls me down.

"Because its the afternoon" I flick him lightly,

"Sleep" He pouts,

"Let me go, I'm hungry" i whine

"Fine" He smiles lying in his back

"Do you want food?"


"Ok, Ill be back" I get up and look for the Dress Gojo had taken off me yesterday.

"hey where is my dress again?" I look around the bed room,

"Beside the bed"

"I don't see it"

"I think, Its there, Look under the bed"

I crouch down and look under the bed and see my dress

"Its there, thanks"

I pull the dress on and leave his room to grab whatever food there is in the kitchen i can take to the room, I see Geto and Nanami sitting in the Kitchen.

"Oh, Morning" Nanami waves.


"What happened to your neck" Nanami ask laughs,

"Oh shit" I place my hands over my neck and look in the mirror, there is loads of marks over my body,

"Did Gojo do that?" Geto looks at the marks

"Urm Yeah" I mutter embarrassed

Nanami looks disturbed at the idea

"What's with all the noise" Gojo walks into the room, he is only in his boxers.

"Satoru get some clothes on" I throw a Pillow that was on one of the seats in the kitchen

"I'm getting a drink" He walks over to the fridge.

"are you some Vampire or something?" Nanami askes his face looks like he is traumatised as he points to me, God I need to cover these.

"No, I'm a lover" Gojo smirks,

"You are a pervert, and i don't want to hear the details, I need brain bleach" Nanami gets up and leaves the room.

"Satoru get food I'm going to my room to cover these" I give him a playful glare.

"But you look hot like that" He pouts

"Gojo, Put some clothes on" Geto sighs

"Fine" He grumbles

I leave and go back to my room,

"Latoya" I turn to see Nanami standing there

"Sorry about that" I stutter as i open my dorm room "That was probably a shock and something you didn't need to see or know"

"Its ok, I'm happy for you two, I guess"

"Thanks, Ill make sure Gojo actually wears clothes, has he done that before walking round in his boxers?" I welcome him in my room and get the foundation from the dressing table.

Deception Sukuna x Oc x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now