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Vanessa fumbled with her political power while the new puritan man-ideologists shifted between the perfect, the true and the honest. The man-ists' flame stood in the lee of bygone ages of more questionable aspects, as an answer to the allegations embedded in destructed idols, or simply by how to philosophize with a hammer:
"During all times, societies wisest has judged normal peoples lives; it will not do ... everywhere and always has one heard the same sound from their mouth. A sound full of doubt if you listen carefully, also uttered with melancholy and weariness. The judges have always resisted life, especially towards those who resemble these feminized man-parodies in body and mind. Old ideals of freedom and respect for all human beings, including girlish fantasies, has fallen for laws of moral designed to jail lusty women after quotas negotiated in rounds of political horse trading."
- You and you, and your girlfriends surfed dymigal spots on streams of inappropriate 1's and 0's, Accusation Jack said with a raised finger. - We can prove that you have flirted and played with the masculine. For that we will punish you.

 For that we will punish you

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- The author's books are indeed written in a doubtful mode, far from the heavy mind and weary tone our literary friend witnessed. - You will look in vain for the sort of stiff world with rigid systems of thought that the philosopher hit on.
"It should be an official requirement that politicians and judges are regularly and satisfyingly lusted, then at least you know it's a comfortable person who judges you, writes laws for you or speak on your behalf", I noted.
Extra bonus if they also are aware of their anxiety for the anxiety, has worked on it and are out of their own tunnel.
I believe my face radiated a serene patience, almost smiling, as the young, black-clad presenter took a break from the trial broadcasts. I must also remember that I am on this course to be me, find me, feel me. I'm not here to try to be or experience you, or how you feel in such settings.

 I'm not here to try to be or experience you, or how you feel in such settings

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The presenter lay down her microphone and threw a gaze back upon the chaos of meetings, contacts and appointments. All that which breath by breath, year by year, had shaped her to an unresolved person with her lustiness in the closet.
"I must try to forget you for a little while, and move my awareness towards myself," I thought.
- I'm only half a person, the presenter sighed, seemingly unaware that it is the responsibility of each and every one of us to take care of our happiness. - The other half I'm not allowed to live.
My limits and my anxieties are mine, they are there like the author who stare and stare, and responds to the world's diversity with the un-stripping strippers movement of teasing. A display of the natural expression her sisters has put an end to.
Still I can not help but think of all the things that inevitably escape attention, directed toward the body's overwhelming calypso.

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