25 ~ Special

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As the years went by we had another child, a boy named Joshua Able Paul. Since the girls were in their teenage years now there was never a silent day in this household.
"GIRLS! GET DOWN HERE!" I shouted for them. To my surprise they actually came downstairs.
"What are you fighting about?"I asked.
"She's wearing my hoodie again."Angel said.
"You have so many, it's a miracle you even noticed!"Daisy said.
"You didn't even ask!"Angel answered and once again they started screaming at each other.
"STOP IT! Both of you!"I interrupted them.
"Daisy, you need to ask your sister before you take something that belongs to her.. Angel, you both have so many clothes and the same size, it won't hurt you to share some of them..."I tried to stop their fighting.
"But it's my favourite one!"Angel immediately screamed again and so the fighting went on again.
Logan and Joshua came through the door, also fighting, because that's happening regularly too these days.
I massaged my forehead.
"SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU! I'm going to go on a little drive through the neighborhood, maybe do a little grocery shopping.. and when I come back you all sorted out your problems with each other... I don't want to hear anyone screaming anymore.. If you're lucky I'll be back for dinner.. don't wait up though.. every mall is a more peaceful place than this house these days.." I grabbed my bag, got my keys and walked towards the door.
"Baby, wait."Logan came after me.
"Don't, Logan! Just don't." I said and opened my car door.
"Baby.."he put his hands on my waist and pulled my back to his chest.
"I won't let you drive like this.. Take a deep breath."he guided me through some breaths and I turned around to him.
"Sorry.."I said and put my forehead on his chest.
"It's alright.. remember last weekend? I was alone with those racoons in there for one day and I basically wanted to put them in jail cells.."
I giggled and then sighed.
"I shouldn't leave you alone with them right now.."
"No, it's ok.. you go and have some quiet time.. I'll have the girls figure their stuff out and have a talk with Josh.. I'll text you when things settled down here, ok?" he was rubbing my back soothingly.
"Ok.."I looked up at him.
"I love you.."he said and kissed the top of my nose.
"I love you, too.."I said and after another kiss I drove off.

I love my children but sometimes they just drive me insane and it's been happening way too often these past months.
I feel like I'm also a little sensitive lately, but it's not that surprising. The deadline for my next book is coming up and I basically haven't even started writing yet. Not to mention the never ending fights at home. Even Logan and I are fighting a lot more than we usually do.
I drove through the neighborhood for about half an hour then I went to Target. It took two hours for Logan to text me.
*Kids are in their rooms. Dog was walked, fed and is now asleep. And your husband is dead on the couch now. It's safe for you to come home now, though.*
I smiled at his text.
*Just got out of Target. I'll be home in twenty.*
I texted back.

When I got home I was greeted by Logan, leaning against the door of our house. He came over to my car and as soon as my door opened he took me in his arms.
"I'm so glad you're back."
"That bad, huh?"I asked and looked up at him.
"Let's just say: I hope this phase stops soon."he said and I saw how tired he is.
I pecked him on the lips and rubbed his back.
"I brought us some spring rolls and sushi, even for the kids if they're still hungry.."
"None of us deserve you, you know that?" he said and kissed my forehead.
We brought everything inside together and I went to ask the kids if they want any food. Surprisingly I found them huddled together in Angels room, watching a movie. They didn't notice me yet, so I quickly took a picture of them and then went inside.
"I brought sushi and spring rolls for a whole football team. Anyone hungry in here?"they all looked at me and came to hug me.
"We're sorry, mom."Angel said.
"I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to scream at you."I said and held them all close.
While Josh went downstairs the girls held me back.
"We thought about what you said.. how we have the same size in clothes..and we think, maybe it's a good idea to put some of our stuff in a closet for both of us and our favourites we keep to ourselves.."Daisy explained.
"That sounds like a good plan. I'm proud of you for working out a solution." I said and pulled them back into a hug.
"Now let's get some food in our bellies."I said and we had dinner together. It hasn't been this peaceful when we all had food together in a long time. While the girls were telling something about a funny video they saw, I caught Logan looking at me and smiled at him.
Then the girls, once again, started to ask him whether they can start their own YouTube channel. We want them to fully understand the consequences that come with that. We also make sure they only have private profiles on social media, where they can allow only people they know can follow them.
So the whole talk, they heard many times before, started once again.

When the kids were all in bed and I had made myself ready for bed I found Logan in front of the TV in the living room. Since he had his eyes closed I sat down next to him carefully. I know he just acted like he was asleep, but there's just something about this relaxed state of his face. I played with a lock of his hair and then lightly pressed a kiss to his lips. Soon enough his hand was at the back of my head and he deepened the kiss and I found myself laying on top of him.
"I love you."he sighed and after another kiss I replied to him.
"I love you, too."
With my ear on his chest, listening to his heartbeat I fell asleep.

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