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Logans PoV:
On that Saturday we started our trip on the yacht. Nilla and I are already on the boat. I have a feeling that she's trying to stay inside, where she can't see the water. Something's up with her and I will find out what it is.
When Mark, Evan, Lydia and all the others have arrived we started the boat and the captain guided us out onto the sea nice and safely.
"Hey, did Nilla not want to come?"Evan asked.
"What? She's here. Why?"I was confused.
"Well.. I didn't see her anywhere so I thought she might not have wanted to be here.."he explained.
"She was taking a nap inside, when you all came."I said.
"Dude, I just came from inside and I didn't see her anywhere."Evan said and I started to feel uncomfortable.
"Give me a minute."I said hurrying inside to look for Nilla.

"Nilla? Nilla?!"I screamed for her.
Nothing. I went to the bedrooms but I couldn't find her there either.
"Nilla?"I shouted one more time.
"I- I'm here."I heard her voice. And even though I was glad I found her and I knew now that we didn't start the trip without her, I was worried. Her voice was so shaky and I swear she sounded like she cried before I found her. She locked herself in one of the bathrooms.
"Babe? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine."there was still a shaking in her voice that made me feel uneasy.
"Don't lie to me.. I hear it in your voice babe... what's wrong?"I asked through the door. Silence. "Babe?" i asked further.
I heard some noises and then the door lock and the door opened. Her eyes are red and she's sniffing and shaking. Within a second I hold her close to me.
"Honey? Please tell me what's wrong? I can't stand seeing you like this."I said.
"I'm sorry.. there's just a lot going on and I.. I just can't take it anymore.. I just need some time to myself, that's all."
"Oh hell no, you're not closing off on me now, okay? I know I did that to you and I know how that ended and I don't want that to happen again, you hear me? We need to trust each other.. and maybe we need to learn how to do that... but right now I see you, my precious girlfriend, my princess, my everything, crying and broken and I want to know why so I can help you...please.."
"You can't.. everything already happened.."Nilla said sitting down on the bed behind her.
"What happened?"I asked taking her hands in mine.
"My parents are getting a divorce finally."she said.
"Wait... what? What are you talking about?" i didn't understand. I never even met her family.
"There was a reason that I didn't want you to come to Germany with me Logan...
And there's something I probably should have told you a lot earlier..
My.. my father, he's an alcoholic and my mom tried to convince him that they should break up, she started sleeping on a mattress on the ground upstairs and in the beginning nothing happened but then he started to come up late at night, screaming at her, insulting her... one time he lost that much of control that he hit her.. and I felt that the anger against me was rising in him.. simply because my mom and I were doing a lot together, but without him and I know that might sound like we were bad to him but he was always working, he was never really home, not mentally... a year ago, my mom moved into a little apartment which was stressful in itself because she had to do it secretly, if my father would've known, god knows what would've happened. After some time she started to go back every day, she had to so she didn't lose the right to get the house. I told her that it's dangerous, that he's going to flip one day and it wasn't an if-question it was just a when question.. and I was right.." she needed to take a deep breath and I held her tight in my arms.
"What did he do?"I asked.
"He- he choked her.. my brother was there and she was able to get out of his hold and screamed, luckily.. She called me the next day but I already knew something was wrong.. I had this feeling when I woke up.. I started crying without knowing why but I couldn't reach her on the phone...
I went home and when I found out where he went that night, after the police send him away, I confronted him.. I asked him why he would do that, why he would hurt our family like that.. he said he didn't do anything.. he said that mom was lying to everyone, the police, the doctors, me, everyone... but I heard her voice and I went to her that day, he did do it. I'm just scared that he does something to mom while she's alone at home. What if he still does have a key to the house? What if he sees her when she's walking the dog? What if he's planning something? I just-"
"Babe, breathe.. it's ok.. your mom can take care of herself.. she got out of it and I bet she's just as careful as you are in your head. I get that you're scared and it's ok, you have every right to be scared.. but every time you have her on the phone on a call or a text you know she's fine.. and I promise that if your so called father does anything like that again there will be consequences for him, bad consequences."
So that's what happened. That's why she stopped any contact with her dad, that's why she had to go back to Germany a few weeks ago.. it all makes much more sense now. Even though I knew about the choking thing it really is a lot to take, I can't imagine how hard it was to get through all that.

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