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Nillas' PoV:
A few days later we went back to America. There was another "meeting" with my family during the days in Germany, but it changed nothing. They even tried to tell me that it's wrong of me to not be in contact with my father. I damn well have my reasons! Well, whatever, we were back in America now and Logan is teaching me how to drive. I mean I still know how to drive, I'm just really scared.
"I'm shaking."I whispered and tears started to well up in my eyes.
"It's ok Baby, just breathe. You can do this.... I'll be right here the whole time."Logan said and placed his hand on my thigh.
I took a deep breathe and started the car. I drove like five meters and started panicking, so I stopped again and just left the car. I want to drive again I just didn't think it would make me panic like that. Logan was there in an instant. "Hey.. it's ok honey.. it's ok.."he said pressing kisses on my head.
"I think that's already enough for today."I said. I was actually exhausted. I know it sounds terrific but it's true.
"Ok.. let's get you home then.."Logan said. And that's what we did, we went home.

At home I buried myself under my blanket in the bed. I was tired and sad. I fell asleep at some point. I woke up when someone, most definitely Logan, took me in his arms and cuddled up to me.
I was still tired but I couldn't fall asleep again. I turned around in Logans arms and for a minute we just looked at each other.
"Babe.. Things take time ok? Don't pressure yourself.. that was the first time after the accident that you actually sat in a car as a driver... and I think you did great..."
"I just feel so stupid for panicking..."I whispered.
"Don't! You're traumatized babe and it probably will take a few more tries before you can drive without panicking, but that's alright. I know you can do it. You just need to be patient with yourself, ok?"he asked.
I just nodded and he pressed me close to his chest. We didn't leave the bed again that day.

It took almost two months of daily torture by panic attacks but now I was doing it. I was driving. I'm feeling safe and I'm going grocery shopping today. I bought some vegetables and fruits, some milk, cheese and some snacks and then I went back home.
I got back to writing too. After I read all my previous books I remembered what I wanted to do with the book that I was working on before the accident. I actually called my management and told them about everything and they gave me a new deadline, but they also said I should take my time and don't worry much about it. So basically, things were back to normal. Logan went to auditions and made his stupid YouTube-Content, but hey, he's having fun doing whatever he does and apparently there's people that like to watch exactly that.
After he lost the second fight against KSI he was really down for a while but I think boxing is good for him. It just seems like he needs it to get rid of his energy. Anyways, after I zoned out for quite some time writing, I went into the kitchen and made me some pasta. 

After lunch I decided I need a break and just laid on the couch in the living room for some time. My truly beautiful relaxed state was interrupted when Logan got back home. He saw me on the couch and came straight towards me, falling on the couch beside me and taking away my phone so I'd look at him.
"Hey! Give that back."I said.
"Hey yourself."he said smiling at me.
"Logan.. give me my phone back..." I held my hand out for it.
"I'd rather you'd look me in the eyes a little longer...."he said still smiling.
"What is it? Why are you smiling like that?"I asked.
"Nothing.. I'm just happy.."he said smiling at me.
"That's great Babe.. now give me my phone back."I said.
"Wow.. good to know you care so much about my happiness.."he said giving me my phone back.
"You know I care... I'm just really tired right now.."I said putting my phone beside me on the couch and closing my eyes.
I felt Logan crawling over me and when I opened my eyes his shining blue eyes looked right into mine.
"I love you."he whispered.
"I love you too."I whispered back and then we kissed.

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