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I've been thinking about this part of the story for quite a while, because Nillas family is german, I was thinking about whether I would do the conversations in german or english. Because I wrote this Fanfiction in English from the beginning I will do the conversations in English too. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter ❤️

Nillas PoV:
It felt good having Logan by my side. I know how my family is and I know that everyone would rather forget about how terrible my dad treated my mom and me. Honestly, I would rather forget about it too. But it happened and acting like it didn't doesn't help anyone. So, my mom organized a little meet up with her sister, her brother and my grandma. Logan and I just went with her for backup. None of them knew Logan yet but it didn't matter right now.
So besides Logan and me everyone was sitting in the living room, while we stood in front of a wall with pictures.
"Is that you?"Logan asked pointing on a little girl hanging on a tree.
I nodded smiling and pointing on the older man on the picture.
"That's my grandpa.."I said.
"You'll have to tell me about him some time."Logan smiled seemingly noticing how I fell into memories.
It was getting louder in the living room so we walked in and just stood leaning against the couch.

At some point I just couldn't take it anymore.
"What's wrong with all of you? Your little ego trips are not helping! Do you even realize what we went through? I didn't sleep properly for years, mom didn't either! We were scared constantly!"
"But that's over!"my aunt said.
"Physically, we're out of the situation, yes, but mentally... mentally we're still in it!"I said.
"You need to stop thinking about it!"grandma said.
"NO! We need to think about it and we need to talk about it! Just ignoring it doesn't help anyone!"
"But wouldn't it be better to finally let it be and forget about it?"she asked.
"Forget what? That my dad, that you're somehow all believing more than us, almost killed your daughter, your sister.. my mother?
You keep telling me I should forgive him cause he's my father... how can I call someone my father or my dad when he almost killed my mom.. and don't tell me he didn't know what he was doing again, he's a doctor, he knew exactly what he was doing! I made my decisions and mom did too and if you can't act normally towards me or us then I'm sorry, but I won't take it anymore!"
"Dani.."my uncle interrupted.
"No! I always, my whole life, felt like I'm not taken seriously in this family and I will not take it anymore. I don't want to and I simply won't take it anymore!"
"You're always in America anyways!"my aunt said.
"That might be true but I'm still part of this family whether you like that or not! And I stand for my decisions and I got my moms back. Mom and I went through so much together, we didn't need you then and we don't need you now... and now I'll leave before I say anything worse..."I said grabbing my jacket and storming out of my grandmas house. I saw that she was crying.. and I know that I should've kept in my good girl mood.. I never stood up to them like that. I was always the quiet one, which had to do with me being very insecure most of my life. But I wasn't that little insecure girl anymore. I know I probably shouldn't have exploded like that but I needed to, I needed to finally get it all out, the things that had been bothering me for years.

I started crying and felt strong arms around me.
"It's okay Baby.. it's okay.."I heard Logans' soothing voice.
"I just want to go home."I said sobbing and we went home.
We cuddled up in my bed and when I heard my mom coming back I went downstairs. Logan fell asleep a few minutes ago.
"Hey.."I said.
"Hey.. are you ok?"she asked.
"I'm ok... are you?"
"Well, you're right.. they just don't get it... and probably never will.."she said and I took her in my arms.
"We don't need them mom.. we got through everything so far and we'll get through this too."I said.
"I know.. I just wish they would understand.."
"They're not even trying to understand.. because just trying to forget it is the easiest way for them... anyways, I'll go back upstairs I'm pretty tired."I said.
"Ok.. what about Logan? Aren't you guys hungry?"mom asked.
"I think the Jetlag is kicking in right now.. we'll get us something to eat, don't wait for us."I said while going up the stairs.

Back in my room I cuddled up to Logan and fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night though. This whole situation was bringing the nightmares back, the nightmares with my dad in them. I was sweating and shaking. Logan pulled me against him.
"You okay?"he asked tiredly.
"Yeah.. it was just a nightmare.."I said and interlaced our fingers on my belly. It made me feel a lot more secure.

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