Chapter 4

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The next week passed without much conflict, aside from Anne cornering me in our dorm room, and trying to get me to talk to Sebastian. Apparently, he was desperate to talk to me, but I didn't want to stir the waters. It was better that he forget about me, focus on his schooling, and move on with the rest of his life. 

Ominis was another story. Every interaction I'd had with him was him glaring, making snide remarks, or shoulder-checking me as he passed by as if I wasn't even there. I could chalk that up to him just being blind, but I think he was doing it on purpose. 

Quidditch tryouts were soon, according to Imelda, which meant that I was being hounded again to participate, like last year. I managed to get out of it then, but she seemed set on getting me to be involved this year, due to it being her last year on the pitch. She wanted to make a splash, and apparently, she deemed me good enough to be on her team. 

Back in fifth year after completing the timed flying trials she challenged me at, we did play some mock quidditch games with others who were interested in keeping their quidditch skills polished, and I'd made a half-decent chaser. 

"You'd round the team out perfectly," she pushed, following me into our shared bathroom. Anne was already at the mirror, brushing her hair out in her nightgown. "I couldn't think of a better person for the team. I plan on going pro, you know, and I can't have just anybody on the team with me. I need to put together a good lineup."

"I already told you, I'm not interested," I replied. Though truthfully, I did enjoy flying, I just didn't know if having another thing on my plate this year was a good idea. 

"I don't care what personal afflictions you have," Imelda scoffed. "You're a good chaser, and you're putting your skills to waste if you won't even try out. You can push everyone and everything else away if you'd like, but I'm drawing the line at quidditch. It's selfish of you if you don't try."

I rolled my eyes and started brushing my teeth, not even giving her a response. 

I knew that Imelda was right, but I didn't want to say anything. I'd think about that on my own time. I was considering that quidditch might give me too full of a plate, but maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing. 

I just knew that if I showed up for tryouts, there'd be no backing out after that--and I'd probably make the team. My only worry was that Sebastian might be on the team. He'd talked to me about quidditch back in our fifth year, and if he was any good, it was possible that Imelda had already gotten to him. 

* * * 

Tryouts were held the following week on Wednesday afternoon, after history of magic. 

We were all huddled in the air on our brooms, and I was trying my best not to look down the line at the two people on the end. 

Not only was Sebastian there, but Anne as well. I didn't even know she played quidditch, but apparently, she was trying out for the position of seeker. 

My nerves were trying to get the better of me, but I wouldn't let them. I was here, so I might as well give it my all.

Imelda put us into two mock teams and had us play a skirmish game. I took my position with the others and got ready. Sebastian would be playing on the opposite team. Anne flew far above the rest of us with the other team's seeker to get a better vantage point. Imelda blew her whistle, and the quaffle was released into the air. 

I rushed in, coming into contact with one of the opposing team's chasers. I missed the quaffle by a few feet, and the other team managed to get it into their possession. They raced to our end of the field, and I followed closely, almost shoulder-to-shoulder with the current holder. 

I bumped them with my shoulder, throwing them off balance, and they dropped the quaffle. One of my teammates caught it below and made a swift three-sixty and started for the opposing end of the field. I flanked them and kept the opposing chasers back as my teammate made a goal. 

The few students who were watching from the stands cheered, and I looked over to where they sat. I noted that Ominis was there next to Natty and Poppy in the stands. Poppy seemed to be recounting what just happened animatedly for him. 

the mock game went on for a little while longer, until Anne caught the snitch. There was more cheering from the crowd, and Ominis had a rare grin on his lips as Poppy told him what had happened. 

"I'll be posting the lineup in the common room tomorrow after class," Imelda told us as we dismounted our brooms. I gave her a nod, and Imelda raised her eyebrow and gave me a smirk. the rest of the players headed off the field, but Imelda lagged behind with me. "I knew you'd come around."

I rolled my eyes. "Couldn't bear to disappoint," I jabbed. Imelda elbowed me in the side and we made our way up to the castle. 

My lungs burned from the exertion, and it was a welcome distraction from the dull pains that usually pulsed through me. The pains were a constant reminder of the things I'd done, and I wished for them to go away more than anything. Even with the post-exercise sensations in my body, the pain was still there, and I feared it always would be. 

The next day after class, the team lineup was posted, and of course, my name was on the list. Even I couldn't hide the sliver of excitement I felt. It was a welcome feeling--something I hadn't had in a while. 

Something, perhaps, that I could look forward to. 

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