Chapter 22

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Garreth walked me back to the castle and even dropped me off outside the Slytherin dorms. 

'Well, see you around," he said sheepishly, running a hand through his copper hair. 

"Yeah, see you," I said, turning to enter the commons. He put a hand on my shoulder. 

"Wait," he said. I spun around to face him. His cheeks were flushed, and he only stared at me for a moment before speaking. "Um... never mind. Have a good night, y/n." 

"You too." I smiled, and he let go of me, and I left him standing outside the common room. 

I descended the steps, slowing at the bottom to scope out the commons, picking my path carefully to avoid Anne, who was standing in a circle with a few other Slytherins, including Sebastian. I didn't see Ominis anywhere. 

I don't even know why I was thinking about Ominis. I shook my head and made a beeline for my dorm, dodging conversations and greetings. 

After depositing my bookbag on the floor and readying myself for bed, I buried myself under the covers. I knew I wouldn't sleep for a while, but I wasn't sure what else to do with myself other than just lay here. I didn't have any more homework I could do, and Anne could show up at any minute, which meant pretending to be asleep was probably the best plan. 

It felt nice, anyway. Whenever I was asleep, nothing else mattered. There was no pain or responsibility. It was peaceful--except for the dreams, of course, but those I could deal with. I'd been dealing with them for a long time now, and the feelings I got from them in no way compared to the things I felt while I was awake. 

* * * 

Ominis's POV//

Anne was obviously wrong if she thought I needed to talk to y/n. She seemed to be doing just fine

I had gone to find her and heard her talking and walking with Garreth on the way to The Three Broomstick with Garreth, of all people. It annoyed me, seeing them together, but it was none of my business. I had no reason to be mad. 

Yet, the annoying burn of jealousy building up in my chest said otherwise. I didn't know why I was jealous. I had no right to be, especially after what happened between the two of us. Yet here I was, pacing outside the common room, debating what to do. 

I could speak with her, as I promised Anne I would, or leave it be. If I spoke to her, I'm not sure I could hide my feelings. I don't understand why it was Garreth, out of everybody, that she was talking to. She was ignoring the rest of us. I had no right to feel any sort of way about her after everything, but here I was--pining over her like a lunatic. 

I knew it was my fault too, so there was no reason to be mad. I shouldn't be mad. But for some reason, I just couldn't get the sight of the two of them together out of my head. 

After pacing for a while and making myself feel utterly ridiculous, I headed down into the commons. Anne spotted me and called me over to her and Sebastian.

"Hey," she greeted. "Did you have a chance to talk to her today?" 

"No," I replied curtly. "And she seems to be doing just fine. She doesn't need an intervention."

Anne groaned. "If that's what you think, you haven't been paying close enough attention. She's already gone to bed you know, and it's only six," Anne told me. 

"She must be tired from her date with Garreth, then." I impatiently tapped my foot, not wanting to talk about this at all. I wanted to get my thoughts as far away from y/n as I could. 

I couldn't believe I'd felt bad for her, as if she'd been all alone, but turns out she was just ditching Anne for Garreth. Garreth fucking Weasley. 

"A date? Are you sure?" Anne mused. "I don't think she likes him like that." 

"Maybe you should ask her. I'm not going to bother her about it." 

"I'd say you sound a bit jealous, mate," Sebastian chimed in. I Folded my arms tightly over my chest and scoffed at that statement. I wasn't jealous. I didn't get jealous. Regardless, I didn't have feelings for her like that, so there was no reason to get jealous. 

She could certainly date whoever she wanted. It wasn't my place to pry. 

"You should still talk to her. Or at least ask Garreth how she's doing, then," Anne suggested. 

"Like I said, you can do that, if you want." I frowned at the fact she would even suggest that. "I'm not doing that."

"Okay, whatever you say," she sing-songed.

I headed to my dorm after that to avoid more of Anne's pestering. No matter how much I loved Anne, she could be a real pain in the arse sometimes--especially recently, with anything involving y/n. I didn't want to hear about her all the time, but it seemed that the topic was nearly unavoidable. 

I paced the length of the room, trying to clear my head of her. Still, whenever I was alone and my mind was running, the topic my brain always turned to was her. It was stupid. It was crazy. After everything I'd done to her, there wasn't any reason I should be feeling like this. 

I plopped down on the floor and pulled my knees to my chest, trying to think about anything other than her. I had homework I could be doing. Lots of it. But my brain just didn't want to focus on that right now. 

The door opened, and someone stepped inside the room, turning on the light.

"What are you doing sitting on the floor in the dark?" Sebastian asked, closing the door behind him. 

"I'm blind, Sebastian, I have no need for lights," I said, standing up. 

"Still doesn't answer my question." His footsteps sounded through the room as he walked past me to the bathroom. "Sitting in the middle of the floor, like a weirdo." 

"I'm not a weirdo," I bit.

"Sure, sure," he responded. "Why do you get all weird every time we try to talk to you about y/n, then? I see the way you act around her. You like her, don't you?"

"I'm not sure what you're referring to." I huffed and found my bed, plopping down on the soft mattress with my arms crossed over my chest. I was done with this conversation long before it even started. 

"Of course you don't. Weirdo." He chuckled and closed himself in the bathroom. 

No Choice But You // Ominis Gaunt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now