Chapter 41

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When I pulled Ominis closer, he happily obliged and moved closer, bringing his face close to mine. He hooked a finger under my chin and pulled my face toward his before running his tongue over my lips roughly. I whimpered but pulled back for a second. 

"I still want to talk about earlier," I said, my words coming out breathier than I'd intended. 

"Not now," he whispered, pulling me close again. He instantly brought my mouth to his, capturing me in a passionate and rough kiss. His lips instantly parted against mine as he deepened the kiss, his tongue forcing its way inside my mouth. He caressed my teeth and tongue as he kissed me, forcing sounds from my lips that I'd definitely be embarrassed about later. But right now, all I could think about was how badly I needed more of him, and that I wanted him closer. 

I pressed my torso against him, looking for friction--anywhere and everywhere. My hands found his hair as we continued to kiss, and I grabbed handfuls of the soft strands and used it to force his lips against mine harder. He snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me against him, and I let out a soft gasp when I felt how hard he was against my lower half. He ground his hips against mine roughly as he continued to kiss me, and all the thoughts in my brain became a fuzzy mess. All I could do was think about him and feel him against me. Everything else around me was simply put on pause for the moment. 

When I pushed my tongue further into his mouth, he closed his lips around it and sucked on it, causing me to moan against his lips. My knees grew weaker the longer he kissed and sucked on my tongue, and I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep myself standing. 

We were locked in that passionate kiss for several more minutes before he finally pulled away again, leaving me a flustered and light-headed mess. He held me close and pressed his forehead against mine as we both tried to catch our breath. I tried to regather my thoughts, but all I could think about were his lips and hands. 

"I love you, y/n," he whispered. "So much. I can't lose you, do you understand?" 

"I'm not going anywhere," I told him. 

"I thought I lost you earlier. I thought you wouldn't want me anymore." His tone was soft and sad, and I hugged him harder, not wanting him to feel upset--especially because of me. I didn't want to cause him any more pain or worry than I already had. 

"I promise you I'm not going to leave," I reiterated. "I'm yours. Only yours. It's going to take a lot more than that to shake me." 

"God, I hope so, I can be a real idiot sometimes," he chuckled. I felt his breath tickle my face as he did, and all my attention went back to his lips. 

"You're my idiot," I laughed. "So long as you remain my idiot, we'll be fine." 

* * * 

After a fair amount of talking--yes, actual talking and not snogging, he actually got me to agree to keep wearing the locket. 

His reason being that he wanted to be there for me in case I had another episode. I couldn't deny that his presence made them easier to deal with, so I caved, and let him put the piece of jewelry back around my neck. I also knew I was due for another one soon, and I wasn't exactly keen on going through it alone. I knew I had Ominis now, and that my episodes didn't scare him away. 

Part of me did worry that it brought back bad memories for him regarding Sebastian, but Ominis seemed more than willing to help me. Though if I thought at any point it was affecting him negatively, I'd stop wearing it. The last thing I wanted to do was cause my friends any more pain, Ominis included. 

The Ball was quickly approaching, and everyone was in a bit of a frenzy because of it. Anne was fretting about how she was going to wear her hair, but Poppy and I had assured her that she looked good regardless of how she wore it. Anne was one of those people who could light up a room just by walking into it--no matter what she was wearing. She still hadn't told anyone who she was going with, and the mystery was starting to bother us. 

"Anne, please!" Poppy begged, throwing herself across Anne's bed as she attempted to work on her schoolwork. "Just tell us. We won't stop asking otherwise."

"I won't cave. I told you, it's a surprise," she said with a devilish grin. She knew she was being a tease about it, but Anne loved the game. I chuckled and tried to focus back on my schoolwork as well, trying to tune our Poppy as she said 'please' over and over again in rapid succession. 

The door to the dorm opened, and a rather annoyed-looking Imelda stormed in. 

"That fucking Prewett!" she exclaimed, storming across the room to her bed. She threw her schoolbag down and let out the world's largest sigh. 

"What'd he do this time?" I questioned. 

"The poor bloke can't find a date to The Ball, and he had the gall to ask me! Can you believe it?" 

"I'm sure he's attempted to ask every living thing that identifies as female at this point," I noted. 

"Still! I've got better things to worry about instead of having to watch around corners for him. And I didn't even let him down easy. I ripped into the poor bastard once already last week! And he still didn't let up!"

"At least he can't get you here," Anne said. 

"I wouldn't be too sure," Imelda grimaced. "Check under your beds before you hit the hay tonight, ladies. He's getting more and more desperate by the minute." 

Anne and Poppy chuckled, and I even grinned a bit. I didn't like being cornered by him any more than Imelda did, but I was glad he wasn't chasing my tail anymore. 

We all settled into our schoolwork after that, chatting about insignificant things as we went. It felt nice to be able to enjoy their company. I was starting to regret having pushed them all away for so long when I noticed how much warmer and happier I felt in their presence. 

It was nice, not feeling so alone all the time anymore. 

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