Chapter 31

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The next few weeks passed by, and Ominis never approached me. I guess he was sure now that he didn't want me. 

Autumn had changed to winter, and there was a light coating of snow on the ground outside the castle. I sat in an empty room up high in one of the towers of the castle, watching the snow fall slowly outside the window. I breathed on the glass and traced little pictures in the fogged-up spot with my fingertips. It was almost Christmas now, which meant the Yule Ball would be coming up. 

I wouldn't go, of course. I don't know who I'd go with, and I wouldn't be able to stand it if I was Ominis there with someone else after what he told me. Of course, he was free to date whoever he wanted, but it would still hurt to see. On a normal day, I almost couldn't handle seeing him in the same class as me or walking down the hall with Sebastian. 

I'd been doing my best to avoid him, but it was near impossible not to run into him, seeing as we were in the same friend group. That was one thing I was refusing to let him ruin. I wouldn't let him push me away from my friends again because he thought I didn't deserve them. 

He could think whatever he wanted, but I wasn't going to let it affect me anymore. 

"There you are," Anne said behind me. "Garreth and Sebastian are having a snowball fight down in the Clocktower courtyard, and I thought you'd like to see it. It's quite hilarious. Sebastian is being a sore loser." 

I hopped off the windowsill I'd been seated on and followed Anne outside the castle. I casted a warming charm over my cloak as soon as we stepped out into the snow. And she was right--it was hilarious. 

By the time I'd gotten out there, Sebastian was holding Garreth around the neck, forcing a handful of snow into his face. 

"This is against the rules!" Garreth squealed. 

"Rules, rules," Sebastian said. "All is fair in war!" Sebastian took Garreth down to the ground, but Garreth fought back, rolling underneath Sebastian. He forced a handful of snow into his face, and Sebastian tried to pull back, but Garreth got him. 

Poppy was laughing alongside us, cheering for Sebastian, but Anne was all for her brother's downfall. I couldn't help but smile. I put my hands in my pocket and felt something cold and metallic at the bottom. I pulled it out, rediscovering the mystery locket I'd been gifted weeks ago. 

I opened it up, re-reading the little note that had been left inside. 

I'm sorry.

Nothing else was written besides that. I still had no clue who had given it to me. Anne saw me holding the locket and came toward me. "Did you ever find out where that came from?" she asked. I shook my head. "Peculiar thing, that locket." 

As I held the teardrop-shaped locket in my fingers, I noticed something about it that I hadn't before. 

With my unique ancient magic ability, I'd always found myself to be more in tune with magic than most. As I held the cold silver in my palm, I felt the familiar hum of magic emanating from the locket. I turned it over in my hand. There was nothing else to note about its appearance. I waved my hand over the locket, performing a wandless 'revelio' spell. Nothing happened. Nothing was revealed about the locket that I didn't know before. 

"What are you doing?" Anne asked. 

"I can feel magic inside the locket," I informed her, "but I can't figure out what charm is on it."

"That's strange. Now I'm really curious to know where it came from. And nothing bad has happened to you since you've been wearing it?" 

"Nothing out of the ordinary." I turned it back over, opening it, and examining it further. There was nothing odd to note about it, except the magic I felt inside the locket. I undid the chain and secured it around my neck, hoping to feel some sort of difference, but there was nothing. 

"You'll figure it out eventually. That, or the mystery person will reveal themselves, hopefully. Then you can ask."

I nodded, but it seemed unlikely, seeing as it had been quite some time since I'd received the necklace. 

After the boys were done duking it out, we headed back inside. Garreth and Poppy followed us down to the Slytherin common room, where we huddled under blankets by the fireplace. Garreth left with the promise of bringing back sweets, returning a little while later with a plate of pumpkin pasties and a thermos of hot chocolate. 

I took my shoes off and pulled my feet up under the blanket with a warm cup of cocoa in my hands. I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath. Everything felt nice and peaceful right now. I wished it could stay this way forever. 

I opened my eyes after a few seconds, and to my displeasure, my eyes landed on Ominis, who was just entering the common room. He stopped when he heard Sebastian's voice rise above the others. I thought he was considering coming over here for a moment, but he swiftly left toward his dorm. I let out a breath I hadn't known I'd been holding. 

I still wasn't ready to face him. I was glad he didn't come over to us. 

"You alright?" Anne asked me. She looked over to where Ominis was, just closing the door behind him as he went into his room. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," I told her with a small smile. 

No Choice But You // Ominis Gaunt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now