Chapter 49

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The nerves in my body were on high alert as I sat at the Slytherin table the following morning. Sebastian and Poppy sat across from me, Ominis was on my left, and Garreth to my right. We all picked at our plates and engaged in small, meaningless conversations to help soothe the excitement and the nerves we all felt about what was about to happen. 

Suddenly, the owls swooped in overhead, all bearing the carefully printed copies of Cressida's diary. Ominis gripped my leg tightly under the table as we watched them soar overhead, depositing them onto the tables in front of unsuspecting students below. 

We each picked up some of the copies as well, pretending to read them along with everyone else, so we wouldn't be suspected. The eerie silence that filled The Great Hall as everyone read the contents of the pages was deafening. 

I sucked in a breath and waited for someone to respond. There were some laughs, then some low chatter as people started to realize what it was they held. 

"Ugh!" shouted a nasally and annoying voice from the other side of the room. "What is this? Who would do this?!" 

It was her. She was reacting in the most delicious way possible. All the eyes in the room fell on her as she made a scene of pouting. I could see the angry tears of betrayal form on her lower lashline as she took in the faces and papers that formed a sea of humiliation around her. 

Her eyes scanned the room and suddenly locked with mine. 

"You!" she screeched, making a beeline toward me. 

"Me?" I asked with a small, knowing smile as I pointed to my chest. 

"Yeah, you! Who else would have done something so awful? Don't think I've forgotten those threats you made the first time you read my diary! You won't get away with this!"

"I didn't do this," I said. "As funny as it is, I wish I did. I'd love to know who thought of this so I could give them my props." 

"It was you, I know it was!" she shouted, stomping her foot like a toddler. The room laughed at her display of childlike anger, and she turned and scanned the faces around her with a look of pure anger and shock before bolting out of the hall. 

I turned to my friends, and as soon as we all made eye contact with each other, we broke down in howling laughter, as did many of the other students as soon as she was out of earshot. 

Somewhere behind us, someone was reading one of the entries in a dramatic, bellowing voice, captivating many in the surrounding area. 

This was completely priceless and her reaction was golden. She'd have a hard time living this one down, for sure. 

* * * 

Ominis yanked on my hand, pulling me behind the rest of the group, stopping us along the patch to pull me toward him. We were on our way to Hogsmeade with the rest of our friends that evening, all still running off the buzz of excitement given to us by what happened at breakfast. 

He grabbed my chin and placed a chaste kiss against my lips before wrapping me in a tight hug. 

"What was that for?" I smiled, burying my face against his neck. 

"No reason," he says. "I just wanted to kiss you." 

"Well, do it again," I say, bringing my face back up toward his, and he does. 

This one is less rushed. Our lips worked together in perfect harmony as we kissed. Every time he kissed me, my nerves were lit on fire in the best way possible. My chest always felt warm, and my head fuzzy, which was perfect. He was perfect, and being able to kiss and touch him whenever I wanted was the best feeling in the world. 

He pulls away after a few moments when Anne is calling after us from up ahead. 

"You two lovebirds coming, or what?" she called, causing me to turn bright red. Every time he kissed me, I always forgot when people were watching, and would get completely lost in the moment. 

We caught up with the rest of the group and headed into Hogsmeade as a group, stopping at The Three Broomsticks for a celebratory pint of Butterbeer for our victory over Cressida Blume. 

I sat next to Ominis, and he immediately snaked an arm around my waist, as he did most times when we were sitting closely together. I loved the way he could never seem to keep his hands off of me at any given moment; I was much the same in that regard. 

Sitting at a table with my friends, laughter and warm spirits flitting about the air, was perfect. Having Ominis at my side was perfect. The warmth that the butterbeer put in my limbs and face was also perfect, as was the way my boyfriend's arm felt around my waist, grounding me as we talked with the others. 

The last place I expected to be at the beginning of the year was here, surrounded by my friends and in the arms of the person I loved. The seeping cold in my chest had long vacated my body, leaving a tingling happiness in its wake that I wouldn't trade for anything. 

* * * 

And that marks the end of this story! I thank everyone who read this, and again, I apologize for putting off finishing it for so long! To those of you who have been around since the beginning, egging me on with your amazingly hilarious and/or supportive comments, I owe my biggest thanks! 

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