Chapter 28

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~Song I listened to while writing this chapter: Stray Heart by Green Day~

I made a show of it, placing my hands on his chest, and Garreth helped, pulling me closer at my waist. There were no sparks like the time I'd snogged Ominis, but he was still an excellent kisser. I deepened the kiss, really drawing it out, before finally pulling away while everyone whooped and hollered. 

I looked right at Ominis with a smug look, and even though he couldn't see the look on my face, he looked positively miffed. He didn't relent though, saying nothing, not moving away from Cressida. She was giggling, whispering something in his ear again, but Ominis didn't move or say anything back. 

Right then, I knew that I'd won. He was stuck with an annoying girl in his lap, and I'd just snogged someone else, and he was being positively sour about it. 

"You sly dog," I said quietly to Anne. "Really ruffling some feathers, we are."

"I know," she laughed. "Just look at the miserable prat!" 

I looked at Ominis again, proud of the miserable look he had on his face. I wondered if he'd be ready to talk yet. I wouldn't be starting that conversation by any means, so I hoped he would let up sometime soon. I didn't want to hang out with Cressida again, and while he appeared to be in the same boat as everyone else on that account, he was doing a damn good job of putting up with her. 

The game ended not long after, and Garreth turned to me. "As charmed as I am, I do need to remind you that we are just friends," he joked. "That was one hell of a kiss." 

"Thank you for the compliment," I said with a blush."You're not half bad yourself." It was a good kiss, but there were no sparks. Garreth wasn't unattractive by any means, but I did just see him as a friend, and I knew he felt the same way, too. That was the only reason I felt comfortable using him in my ploys against Ominis. If it were someone who had a crush on me, I'd feel way too guilty about using them for something like this. 

I wondered if Cressida was in on whatever Ominis was doing. It was going on far too long, and I hoped he wouldn't upset her if she did actually like him. As much as I didn't like her, I didn't want her to get hurt because of a tiff between Ominis and me. 

I wondered if and when Ominis would relent. He had to say something now, didn't he? If I were him, I wouldn't let that go so easily. But looking over at him, he still had Cressida all cuddled close, and he didn't seem to be relenting any time soon. 

Stubborn bastard. 

I got up with Anne when she went to get a drink refill and filled my cup halfway with fire whiskey. I knew I shouldn't be drinking so much, but I was already a couple of drinks in, so I thought what the hell about a few more? I was already pretty tipsy, so there was already no going back. 

Anne and I mingled with some others for a while, and I sipped on my drink, covertly eyeing Ominis every once in a while. Cressida was no longer in his lap; she was nowhere to be found. I was curious about whether or not he'd sent her away. I bet he didn't. I bet he planned on keeping her around all night, just to piss me off. 

It was working, but I wouldn't let him know that. Even if he had sent her off, I wouldn't approach him tonight. That was all on him. The quaffle was in his hands now, and it was up to him to decide if he wanted to fumble or score.

"Where has Cressida gone off to?" I asked Anne. She looked over to Ominis. 

"No idea," she responded. "I wonder if he's folded."

"I hope so," I grumbled. "I don't know if I can handle any more of Cressida. One day of her is enough to last me this lifetime and every one after that, too." 

Anne only laughed in response. Poppy and Sebastian found us again, approaching us, arm in arm. 

"We're going to turn in for the night," Sebastian said. "Wanted to come say goodnight." 

"Sure," Anne teased, sticking her tongue out with a fake gag. "Be safe. I'm not ready to be an aunt yet."

"Anne!" I exclaimed. Poppy's face was bright red, though I, too, doubted that they were both turning in this early. 

"Goodnight," Sebastian said again, before turning and leading Poppy out of the Gryffindor commons. 

"Gross. I don't even want to think about the crap he gets up to," Anne said with a shiver. 

"Then don't think about it," I said. "Have another drink, and find someone to dance with."

"I've got you," she said. "Boys suck. You've got enough problems with boys. I don't think we could handle the problems I'd cause in that department as well." 

I laughed and took her hand, leading her to where others were dancing in the commons. I polished off another drink as we danced. I was sweating, and my heart was racing, but I was genuinely having a good time. 

To hell with what Ominis thought. I wasn't doing anyone a service by staying away from everyone except for him. He didn't deserve to knock my happiness down a peg because I made him uncomfortable. If he didn't want to have a conversation with me and clear the air then he was just going to have to deal with my presence, because I no longer had intentions of staying away. 

Anne didn't deserve my meanness, and neither did any of the others. Ominis could go fuck himself. 

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