Chapter 39

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Y/n's POV//

I left The Undercroft and stormed across the castle to my room. I wasn't really sure how to feel about this new information. 

I was frustrated with him--I knew that much. Regardless of his intentions, I couldn't really justify him using something like that on me. It was a breach of trust in the highest degree. 

Letting people in wasn't something I did lightly. Telling people how I felt always ended in disaster. I knew better than to bare my soul to anyone. All that ever did was end up with me in pain. 

I should have known better than to trust that he was finally being honest. I felt betrayed. Even if he had noble intentions, it still wasn't right. If he knew anything about me, he'd know that I don't just let people in like that. Especially him. I'd already been so hesitant about everything, and I should have known something was off. 

While I was stumbling over my feelings in the dark, feeling along the walls for clues and hints as to how he truly felt about me, he had complete clarity. He knew exactly how I felt. His path was wide and clear, and he'd still been hesitant. 

It really made me thing. If he knew all along how I'd felt about him, then why was he so hesitant to be with me in the first place? Did he really hate me that much? And how was I supposed to know that he wanted to be with me now completely due to his own feelings and not just basing it off of mine?

He knew I wanted him, but he never seemed to know what he wanted. This was just more proof of that. 

I stormed down to the commons and went into the dorm, slamming the door behind me. Anne was sitting on her bed, her eyes wide at my sudden bursting through the door. 

"What's got you in a mood?" she asked, raising her eyebrow. But by the telling look in her eye, she already had a few educated guesses. 

"Ominis," I stated matter of factly. "It's always fucking Ominis." 

She chuckled a bit to herself, and I rolled my eyes at her as I crossed the room to my bed. I flopped down and stared up at the ceiling, letting out a deep exhale. 

"What did he do this time?"

"You remember that stupid locket?" I looked at her, and she waited for me to speak. "It was him. He gave it to me."

"And you're upset why?" Anne prodded. 

I rolled onto my side to face her, a deep scowl on my face. I then relayed to Anne what Ominis had told me about the piece of jewelry. 

"Well crap," she said. "That's an overstep on his part." 

"Exactly what I said!" I exclaimed. At least she was with me on this one. 

"Though I can see where he's coming from, Y/n," Anne stated. I sighed. Maybe she wasn't on my side here. "You're not exactly forthcoming when you're going through things, and it scares all of us. Knowing what you're going through by yourself, and knowing that you pretty much always refuse help worries all of your friends. Not just him and I. You sometimes forget that you have people who care about you and want to help you."

"Still--he should have asked, at the least," I retorted. 

"And what would you have said if he asked for you to wear it and had been honest about it?" I didn't answer. I stayed silent. That must have been answer enough for Anne, seeing as she was now giving me a smug look. "Are you going to keep sulking now, or are you going to let me talk some sense into you? It's not going to be worth it in the long run to push him away because of this." 

I rolled my eyes and grunted in response. I was still angry. This didn't fix anything. 

I get that he cared, but I still couldn't help the feelings of betrayal that bubbled inside my chest. What if I didn't want their help? All it did was cause them to worry. I didn't want to make any of them worry. There was a reason I chose to stay away from them in the first place, and they were all forgetting that. 

"I can smell the smoke from here," Anne laughed. "Those gears turning in your head--you need to stop overthinking things. Just let him be there for you. It's what he wants." 

I sighed and rolled back onto my back and stared up at the ceiling for a second before covering my face with my hands. 

"It's frustrating, Anne," I finally said. "If he wants to help, he should at least start by being honest with me."

"He was. He told you about what he did. You need to go apologize." 

I guess that much was true. I sat up and sighed again. I guess I needed to apologize or something. Though, I didn't know what I'd be apologizing for. He should be the one who was sorry. 

I finally stood up and decided that I probably should at least go talk to him. Anne was right. I was being stupid, even if she didn't say it out loud. 

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