Chapter 24

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~Songs I listened to while writing this chapter: Happy, Healthy, Well-Adjusted by Max Bennett Kelly, and Someone Somewhere Somehow by Super Whatevr~

Ominis leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest, and I put my butterbeer down on the table. I'd told Garreth I was fine and didn't want to go anywhere. 

"So how far have you gotten on the ancient runes homework?" Anne asked me. "I've been meaning to find someone to compare translations with. I'm utter trash at the subject, and want to see if I'm on the right track." 

"I can show you my work tonight when we return to the castle," I told her. "Though I'm not promising anything great. I'm struggling a bit in that class." 

"Aren't we all?" she laughed. "And maybe we can have a chat when we get back of course. I've been meaning to talk to you." 

"I'll be heading to sleep as soon as we get back," I told her, trying to brush off the subject. I knew she didn't want to just discuss runes, and I wasn't in the mood to talk about anything deeper than that. "So maybe some other time." 

"Sure, fine," she said, her lips drawing into a tight smile. "Whenever you're free, of course." 

I could tell she was only letting it go because we were in front of the others. If it was just us, she'd already be forcing me into a conversation I didn't want to have. Though part of me was surprised she didn't corner me into it, since I couldn't shove her off the same way I did last time. I was sure I'd done a good job at keeping her back the last time we spoke, but obviously, it wasn't good enough. 

"So what's with you and Garreth, huh?" she said, changing the subject. "You've been spending a lot of time together recently." 

I noticed Ominis tense up next to Anne. 

No. It couldn't be. Was Ominis jealous

At that moment, I hatched an awesome plan--not only to test that theory but to really get under his skin if it were true. He was at least annoyed by the fact that I'd been hanging out with Garreth and no one else, and I couldn't imagine him being jealous over it. Still, I was curious, so I was going to find out what was going through his head. 

"He's nice to hang out with," I started. "He gets me." I looked to Garreth, who shot me a friendly smile. I knew Garreth didn't like me romantically, so I only hoped he'd play along. 

"She's a great potions partner," Garreth said. 

"Only when you're not trying to add extra ingredients," I joked 

"Of course," he said. "Though you shouldn't limit my genius. I'll be great one day, and you'll all regret never trying my brews."

"You turned yourself blue the other night," Natty interjected from the other end of the table. "We all know better than to help you test your brews."

"That one wasn't finished! It was a work in progress!" he defended. Everyone laughed except for Garreth, and I cupped my hand over his ear while the table was still loud and whispered. 

"I want to mess with Ominis," I told him. "I want to make him jealous, and I want you to play along."

"Sounds like a plan," he smirked, scooting just a bit closer. "Have I mentioned how beautiful you are when you smile?" he said, just loud enough for the table to hear. 

"Oh, om, thanks," I said, bringing my hands over my face to cover a fake blush. Ominis huffed as he picked up his drink, finishing off the pint. He was getting frustrated already, which was the goal. 

I really couldn't fathom the fact that he might be jealous. He made it clear that he didn't have feelings for me. So why was he acting like this?" 

I decided to push him further. I placed my hand on Garreth's cheek, bringing his ear close. "I'm pretending to whisper something sweet," I whispered with my lips against his ear. He smiled and looked at me, bringing his face close. The playful glint in his eye made it hard not to laugh--he was enjoying this just as much as I was. It was always fun to poke at Ominis because he was so easy to get worked up. 

"What are you two lovebirds going on about over there?" Sebastian chided, giving me a wink. I think he knew what I was up to as well. 

Everyone knew that we didn't like each other like that, except Ominis for some reason. 

"I need some air," Ominis suddenly said, standing up. He tossed a few sickles on the table and swiftly left the establishment. Garreth slid away from me and we finally let out the laughs we'd been holding in. 

"I didn't know it'd be so easy to get under his skin like that," Garreth said. "He must really like you, then." 

I blushed, this time for real. I frowned, thinking about the implications of my reaction to that statement, and the statement as a whole. 

There was no way he liked me like that. After what happened between us, there was no way I was going to talk to him about it. I would wait for him to approach me if anything. He was the one who called that kiss a mistake. He would be the one to fix that if he really didn't mean what he said. 


My power just went out, and it's supposed to be -11 degrees tonight. Thank the gods for my T-Mobile hotspot and wish me luck. Y/n would like how cold my apartment is right now, but I'm a different story. Wish me luck!!

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