Chapter 44

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I used a drying charm on my dress once we were back in the castle, but didn't bother changing my boots back into heels. These were much more comfortable anyway--heels had never really been my thing before. 

Anne and I were lounged on a loveseat by the fireplace with our feet kicked up on the coffee table in front of us. I tried my best not to think about what was happening in The Great Hall. I needed to trust that Poppy and Sebastian could keep an eye on my boyfriend in my absence. Seeing as Imelda had gone to get Professor Sharp, it shouldn't be too long now before I was able to see Ominis, anyway. Once he came to, I can imagine he's going to be just as upset about this whole thing as I am. 

I'm completely furious with Cressida for ruining this for us. It was supposed to be a nice evening with friends, but she had to go and fuck things up. I was beyond angry. For the moment, I was trying not to think about it too hard, especially given the fact that I was well on my way to being pissed due to the fire whiskey that Anne and I were passing back and forth. I welcomed the burn of the alcohol down my throat and laughed with Anne about whatever trivial things she talked about while we waited for the others to join us. 

It wasn't long before some other Slytherins started ditching the dance too, heading down to the commons trying to get the party started. The more time that passed, the more nervous I got. I couldn't help it. 

"You shouldn't worry," Anne told me. "They have things handled up there. You'll see him soon enough."

"I know," I replied. "I'm trying really hard not to go back up there and make a scene right now."

The last thing I wanted was to ruin the evening for anyone else by going up there and murdering Cressida in front of the entire student body. Going to Azkaban really wasn't on my list of desired future paths, so I was going to have to restrain myself. 

Anne chuckled before taking another swig of the whiskey and passing the bottle back to me. I took a drink and set it down on the table in front of us. We needed to slow down if we didn't want to be trashed by the time the others got down here. 

Not too much later, Poppy was coming down the stairs toward Anne and I, unaccompanied by her boyfriend or mine. While some Slytherins gave her an odd look for coming in by herself, Anne and I were unphased; we'd given her the password to the Slytherin commons a while ago. She was one of the few people who could come into the commons who wasn't a Slytherin. Even if any of them had a problem with it, if they picked a fight with her about it, they were also picking a fight with Sebastian, Anne, Imelda, and me. They really didn't want to do that. 

"Sebastian and Ominis are with Professor Sharp now," she told us, sitting down on the sofa between us. She picked up the bottle of fire whiskey and took a drink, grimacing a bit as she swallowed. "They shouldn't be too much longer."

"What of Cressida?" Anne asked. 

Poppy giggled. "I may or may not have done something a little devious." She grinned and took another drink from the bottle in her hands. 

"Poppy! What did you do?" Anne elbowed the Hufflepuff's side. 

"She may or may not have been hit with a blinding hex." 

Anne and I shared a look before breaking out in laughter. 

"Our honorary Slytherin is finally playing the part, huh?" I laughed. "Is it a simple counter-hex, or what did you hit her with?" 

"A teacher will probably have to figure it out for her is all I'm going to say."

We all laughed together for a second before finally calming back down. I would have paid money to see Cressida's reaction, but just listening to Poppy tell the story was entertaining enough. 

I just really wanted to see Ominis. I wanted to make sure he was alright. Whenever I closed my eyes, I could still see him with his arms wrapped around Cressida's waist, and it made me want to gag. It made me want to punch things and tear out the bitch's hair. 

No one had a right to touch what was mine like that. 

About half an hour later, Sebastian came down the stairs with Ominis in tow. I immediately stood up to go to him, but my vision swirled a little bit and it took me a second to find my balance. When I was ready, I met Ominis right as he reached the bottom of the steps, immediately wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my face against his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry," he told me. 

"Don't be sorry, Ominis," I told him, pulling back to look at him. I couldn't quite gauge his expression, but I could tell he was hurting. "You've no reason to be sorry. But Cressida is another story."

"I really wanted to take you to The Ball," he told me. "I really wanted this to be a good night for us. Merlin knows we deserve it." 

I sighed and leaned my head back down on his shoulder. "I wish we could have as well, but I'm not upset about it if that's what you're thinking. we have plenty of time to make up for that in the future, okay?"

He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly against him. I inhaled his scent, feeling comforted by his presence. I was glad he was back in my arms, and not in someone else's. He kissed the top of my head, then lifted my face, and planted a slow kiss on my lips, then chuckled. 

"You taste like fire whiskey," he noted. 

"I wonder why," I teased. "Anne and I have been down here for a while. We decided to get the party going a little early." 

I considered bringing up the topic of revenge on Cressida, but I decided that it could wait. I just wanted to enjoy being with Ominis at the moment--nothing else. 

I led Ominis back to where the others were sitting, but Ominis and I took up our own loveseat this time. I leaned back against his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. I nestled myself between his legs and let out a breath. 

"You took your locket off," he noted. 

I tensed for a moment and felt my neck, remembering that I had taken it off outside. "Shit, Ominis, I left it outside, I'm sorry," I said, leaning up to look at him. 

"No you didn't," Anne called, reaching into the bodice of her dress. I let out an audible sigh of relief as she tossed the locket my way. "Though you really should be more careful of where you leave things. I barely noticed it lying in the snow."

"When were you outside?" Ominis questioned. 

"Oh..." I trailed off for a moment, wondering if I should tell him about my episode or not. I didn't want to worry him further, so I decided against it. "I went outside after I saw you with Cressida. I just needed a moment to think."

I looked over at the other couch to Anne, who narrowed her eyes at me. Of course, she knew I was lying, but she didn't say anything. After a second, she turned her attention back to Imelda, who had now joined us. 

Imelda and Garreth were on the couch across from Ominis and I, and they were actually holding hands. It was an odd sight to behold. Never in a million years would I have imagined pairing up myself. 

I put the locket back on, and Ominis helped me, pulling my hair off of my neck for me. I leaned back again, getting comfortable against his chest. His arms were back around my waist now, and I was finally starting to relax after everything that happened earlier. 

I had him back. And Cressida was going to pay. 

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