Chapter 46

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The shock of the century (not really) happened the next day when I entered my dorm after dinner. Ominis and I were going to go to Hogsmeade together, but I wanted to grab a coat first. 

What happened wasn't even beyond my realm or realities or anything; it's just that I didn't expect to see Anne bent over my bed while a Ravenclaw girl buried their fingers into her from the back. 

Yeah, vulgar mental image, I know. I'm still cringing. 

So, Anne was a lesbian. Discovery noted. It explains why I hadn't seen much of her recently, and it was good to see her so happy. 

I changed my sheets and cursed her out the next time I saw her. 

The Ravenclaw girl was named Constance Dagworth. She was nice, I suppose, and so long as she treated Anne right, I really didn't care who she was fucking, so long as it no longer happened on my bed. 

"Let me buy your drinks today," Anne said the next day as she, Ominis, and Constance (who went by Connie) wandered into The Three Broomsticks. 

"You fucking better," I grumbled, rubbing my eyes again, trying to rid myself of the image that burned behind them.

We all filed into a booth in the back, and I eased myself into Ominis's side and let out a breath, sinking into the comfort that his presence brought me. He placed a quick kiss against my ear as his hand wrapped around my waist.

As promised, Anne paid for all of my drinks that afternoon, and we all left the establishment feeling warm and fuzzy. 

"We're going to return to the castle," Anne stated, leaning against Connie. 

"Alright," Ominis replied. 

"Please, not on my bed!" I called after her as they turned to leave, causing Connie to blush. "And it was nice to meet you, Connie!" 

We waved them off, watching them disappear down the snowy path. I turned to Ominis, who had been absent-mindedly stroking my hair. He grabbed my chin and kissed me slowly, and I kissed him back, letting the warmth of his hands and lips sink into my bones. 

Everything just felt right when I was with him. 

The snow fell softly around us, blanketing the world in a quiet stillness. The only thing that could be heard were the short breaths coming from my mouth when I pulled away from Ominis' lips. 

"I love you," he said quietly, pulling me against his chest. "I really hope you know how much I love you." 

"I know you do," I said, my words muffled as I buried my face in his coat. 

Whenever he said those three words to me, it made my heart race. It didn't matter how many times I heard them; my reaction was always the same. And despite how I felt toward him, the words were always caught in my throat when I tried to return them. 

I didn't know why. 

I supposed that even after everything, there was always that sinking feeling in my chest that something was going to go wrong and something was going to take him away from me. I knew he was too good and too perfect for someone like me. 

Yet, here I stood, with his arms wrapped around me and his soft breath skating across my chilled cheeks. He was somehow mine, even after everything. 

Seeming to sense my unease, Ominis pulled back a little bit and cupped my face with his hands before brushing another kiss against my lips. "You're everything to me," he whispered. "I need you to know that." 

I couldn't even say anything as I succumbed to the warm feelings that filled my chest at those words. He was perfect. He was my everything, too. 

* * * 

With the emptiness of the corridors, Ominis could pin me against a wall and kiss me like his life depended on it nearly anywhere without anyone interfering. 

And he did. 

I never would have taken Ominis for someone who would be so hungry for touch all the time, but he was. His hands were always on me when I was around, and every spare second he got, his lips were on mine, and his tongue was in my mouth, laying claim to me without having to say a single thing. I loved it. 

We were in the Undercroft, and he had me up against the wall with his hands under my thighs. My legs were wrapped around his middle, and he held me there as his mouth ravaged mine. The sounds that came from him as he kissed me were more addicting than Dark Magic, and I wished for nothing more than to bottle them up so I could hear them whenever I wanted. 

He and I fit together like two puzzle pieces--as he held me there, he knew right where to touch and kiss me to make me react and arch against him. His fingers dug into the backs of my thighs as I threw my head back and offered my neck to him, which he hungrily kissed as if he'd never gotten enough of me. 

His mouth was rough and firm, and he switched between kissing, sucking, and nipping, which on its own could nearly send me over the edge. Every kiss was like a burning iron searing into my soul, contributing to the growing pressure I felt in my core. I pressed myself against him as he held me there, itching to feel him closer, for any amount of friction anywhere I could find it. 

My back suddenly left the wall, but I didn't care. All I cared about was his lips on me as I held my eyes closed and succumbed to the feelings that raced through my veins. Pleasure burned through me at every touch, and when he lowered me to the cold floor, I didn't care about the cold stone against my back. All I cared about was how he was now on top of me, his body pressing against mine as he brought his lips back to mine, nipping and licking them greedily. 

His hands groped and squeezed my sides, my shirt coming untucked from my skirt as his hands scoured my skin. He found an opening at the bottom of my shirt, and his hands slid over my skin, causing my flesh to pebble and ache wherever they went. It felt like every part of me was on fire and screaming his name. Never mind the sounds that came out of my mouth--the way my body reacted to him was a call in its own right. 

His lips suddenly pulled away from mine and I whimpered from the loss of contact. 

"Y/n," he breathed, his voice low and demanding. "I need you. I need you." His hands had started to undo the buttons on my shirt, and all I could do was mindlessly mumble 'please', over and over again as his hands worked. I wrapped my legs around him, trying to use them to pull him against me in order to receive any amount of friction. I was a whimpering and shaking mess just from the anticipation of what might come. I should have been embarrassed at the sounds that came out of me, but all I could think about was the blonde in front of me and how badly I wanted him. 

He suddenly grabbed my legs, removing them from around his middle before roughly pinning my hips to the ground. "Patient, y/n," he purred. His hands roamed up and down my body, stopping again on my hips to give them a long and tight squeeze. Before I could even react, his hands shot between my legs, gripping my tights. I heard a ripping sound and whimpered when I realized what he was doing. 

His hand plunged between my legs before I could even say anything about my ruined tights, effectively shushing anything I was about to say. My back arched off the floor when his fingers brushed against my most sensitive spot, and a broken moan left my throat. 

He didn't do anything more than that for a few minutes, barely stroking that spot, turning me into a begging and shaking mess. 

"Please, please," I pleaded. I tired to reach out to pull him closer, but he pushed me back down. 

"Don't move," he said, his voice dark. "Just be patient, and you'll get what you want." 

No Choice But You // Ominis Gaunt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now