Chapter 21

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Y/n's POV//

I couldn't go anywhere without running into Anne. Almost a week had passed since we last spoke, and I'd been doing a damn good job of ignoring her. The only times I couldn't really get away were during class and quidditch practice though, so that took some extra work. 

I sat in the back of the classrooms and kept to myself, worked with peers that weren't in her friend group when I had to for certain projects and bolted from class to the library or outside the minute we were dismissed. 

For some reason, the only person I really couldn't shake was Garreth Weasley, of all people. 

Whenever he came across me, he just had to stop and talk. And for some reason, I didn't have the heart to brush him off--not when he was so chipper all the time. He also didn't ask me about things I didn't want to discuss, which was a nice change of pace. Everyone else just seemed so hyper-focused on how I was doing all the time, but Garreth left it alone. 

He managed to catch me at odd times when I thought no one had followed me. I almost thought he was following me, but I didn't think he'd do that. 

One place I could almost always guarantee I'd be alone was the Hog's Head. Students rarely hung out there, usually opting for The Three Broomsticks instead, so I'd been going there to study a lot recently. Nowhere in the castle was safe if I wanted to be truly alone, so this was the next best thing when I couldn't be outdoors with my books due to the weather. So long as I kept quiet and didn't disturb the patrons, the owner didn't mind it if I took up a table in the back corner. 

It was a Wednesday afternoon, and that's where I was so that I could work on a herbology essay in peace when Garreth slid into the chair across from me. I cocked an eyebrow at him--this was the one place he hadn't managed to find me yet. 

"The Hog's Head?" he asked. 

"Yep." I looked back down at my essay and finished writing the sentence I was in the middle of when he came to the table. 

"Is it the smell you fancy, or one of the lovely patrons?" he asked. I scanned the room, noting a stinky, homeless-looking wizard in the corner. He lifted his pint to me when we made eye contact, giving me a toothy grin. I pressed my lips together tightly and looked back at Garreth with an eye roll. 

"I like to be alone, but it seems my hiding spot has been compromised," I told him. 

"I'm good at keeping secrets, you know," he grinned. "Your secret is safe with me."

"Thanks." I set my quill down. "Did you need something?"

"No." He leaned back in his chair. 

"You went to the trouble of finding me--certainly you want something from me, then." 

"Just the pleasure of your company," he replied with a lopsided grin. 

"Sure," I replied, closing the books I had open on the table. I packed them away and prepared to leave. 

"Where are you off to now?" 

"Not sure," I admitted. I couldn't focus on my schoolwork when Garreth was around; his mouth never seemed to stop running, and that made it hard to read or remember what I was writing.

"I'll join you, then," he stated, getting up as well. I nodded to the owner on the way out, pulling the hood of my cloak over my head to shield me from the chilly rain. Garreth followed through with his statement and trailed after me as I made my way through the streets. 

Part of me wanted to shake him and tell him to leave, but he was a hard person to be mean to. As we walked, he was spouting something about a potion recipe, and I nodded my head and listened, though I was completely lost. It was honestly kind of nice that he did all the talking, and didn't expect me to have too much input. 

"How about we stop for some butterbeer?" he asked. He walked with his hands in his pockets, watching his feet. He gave me a small side-eye before putting his eyes back to the ground. 

"It's getting late," I replied. "We should probably head back."

"There's still a few hours 'til curfew. I know what you've been doing, and if you want to avoid everyone, heading back early won't do you any good."

I frowned and pressed my nails into my temples. He noticed--so what? I wanted to say something snarky, but I bit my tongue. "Fine, let's go, then." 

Garreth beamed and stood upright, giving me a thumbs up. "You won't regret it!" He took my hand unexpectedly and pulled me along the cobbled path and up to The Three Broomsticks. I was worried we might run into someone else there, but it was mostly empty, given the water. No one wanted to walk to Hogsmeade in the rain. We found a table at the back, and Garreth left me for a moment, returning with two pints of butterbeer, sliding one across the table toward me. 

"A drink for the lady," he said as he slid the drink. He plopped down on the bench right beside me and took a sip of his drink, and I did the same. As I set my cup down, my hand brushed his and he recoiled with a small hiss. "Your hands are freezing!" 

"I don't mind the cold," I told him. I rubbed my fingers together. They were a bit stiff, but nothing I couldn't handle, and nothing I wasn't used to. 

"Give me your hands." He reached out toward me with his. 

"Why?" I asked tentatively. 

"Just because you can handle the cold doesn't mean you don't deserve to be warm." I frowned and held my hands out. He took them in his, rubbing my hands between his palms. "See? Isn't that so much better?" 

His hands were way warmer than mine, and I couldn't deny that it felt good. His eyes were warm when they met mine, and my cheeks warmed under his stare. I cringed at myself and looked away, ignoring the little butterflies in my stomach. 

"It's alright," I replied. "Thanks." 

No Choice But You // Ominis Gaunt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now