Chapter 30

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~Song I listened to while writing this chapter: Control by Zoe Wees~

Someone was coming down the hall, and I don't think I'd ever seen someone move as fast as Ominis did as he parted himself from me and shrunk himself against the wall. I tried to keep my breathing quiet, but it was hard after the way Ominis had just touched me. My core was still throbbing, begging for his touch, and it was all I could think about. 

I cast a cloaking charm over myself as the person passed. It looked to be another drunk student coming back from the party, but I still kept myself hidden. I rubbed at my blushed cheeks, trying to clear what just happened from my head. We were completely out in the open, saying those things, doing those things... 

Anyone could've spotted us.

After they passed, and their footsteps could no longer be heard, Ominis took my hand and led me down the hall. "I don't want you telling anyone about what just happened," he stated firmly. "This stays between us. Tell no one--especially not Anne." 

"I won't," I responded. I wondered if he thought it was a mistake again, and my heart dropped. He didn't want anyone to know that he'd kissed me. Of course, he thought it was a mistake. 

It didn't matter that he was jealous or attracted to me; he told me that he hated me and wanted nothing to do with me. My face tightened in a grimace as I thought about what just happened. He seemed interested in the moment, but it must have just been a lapse in his judgment. I wasn't worth getting mixed up with--I knew that better than anyone.  

Ominis stopped when we reached the Slytherin common room, bringing me close to the wall. "I mean it when I say I don't want anyone to know about that," he said. I couldn't read the expression on his face, so I had no tell as to what he was thinking. 

"Why?" I asked, trying not to sound desperate. He groaned and pulled away, pinching the bridge of his nose. 

"I'm not ready to talk about this yet," he finally stated. "I'm not even sure I want this."

"You seemed pretty sure a few minutes ago," I stated, leaning my head against the wall. He was frustrating and confusing, and I really wasn't sure what he wanted from me. 

"I just--I'm not sure about this. I need to be sure." He stepped back another few paces. "Do you promise not to say anything?" 

"Fine," I whispered. "Fine, if that's what you want. But don't do that again unless you know what you want. You can't just use me like that, then turn around and tell me you don't want me," my voice cracked. I was trying so hard not to cry, but it felt like someone was standing on my chest, and the weight was nearly unbearable. I could feel the pain of that stupid dark magic building in my veins. I couldn't handle this. I didn't want to deal with this. I was wrong to think that we could ever be anything. 

I was right all along. He didn't want me. He told me he doesn't want me kissing anyone else, but he doesn't even intend on making me his. How stupid is that? He has no right to be jealous.

"You just can't forget the past, can you?" I asked. "You aren't going to forgive me." 

He let out a long sigh. "I don't know, y/n." 

"Then whatever this is? It's got to stop. For good. I can't handle this. Not with everything else that's going on. Just leave me alone and forget about this." I pushed myself away from the wall and went to the common room entrance, saying the password. The door appeared and opened, but Ominis grabbed my arm before I could step inside. 

"No, Ominis, let me go," I firmly stated. He relented after a moment, loosening his grip on me. I left him standing there, and I rushed toward my dorm room. 

When I arrived, it was dark and quiet, but Anne was sitting on my bed waiting. Imelda and Nerida were fast asleep, so I tiptoed over to her. 

"What did he say?" Anne whispered. I didn't respond. I wasn't sure how to. "Did he say anything about Cressida?" 

I don't know why, but at that moment, I broke down. I just couldn't keep it in anymore. I started to cry, and Anne jumped up from the bed, wrapping me in a hug. "I'll give him an earful in the morning," she told me. 

"No," I replied. "Just leave it be. I don't want to think about this tomorrow. I just want to leave it be." 

"Okay, okay. I won't say anything to him," she said. I wrapped my arms around her middle, burying my head in her shoulder. 

I didn't know what to do. I kissed him back. I was trying to be better to people and be nicer. I hadn't used dark magic since fifth year. I wasn't sure what else he wanted from me. I couldn't get the way his lips felt on mine out of my head, and it made me cry even harder. 

I'd never felt that way about someone. I had never wanted someone as badly as I wanted Ominis. Of course, it was the one person who could never be mine. I knew he would never forgive me. Whatever little fantasies I'd made up in my head needed to be forgotten. I was stupid to let myself get into this mess in the first place, and I was furious with myself. 

No Choice But You // Ominis Gaunt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now