Chapter 33: The Crown Reigns

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Several days past by as Hadrian remained at home within the confines of his Palace; his time spent split between looking for the traitor with his shadow-guards, attending to his array of duties as the King, and spending time with his mate and the courtesans. Hadrian and the rest of the vampire nation was now well into January; yet they were surprised to find their lands remained warm year-round.

No snow would touch the land here. It never got cold enough for it.

The twins' second birthday had gone over well; and Hadrian was immensely pleased to see them using magic more and more. The girls had a very fun day spent with him and Tom, the courtesans, several of the cleared elders that Hadrian trusted, and their godparents as well as the foreign guests.

Though, their admittance to the party was merely hospitality on Hadrian's part. Seeing as they were now stuck in their realm until the traitor was caught. Hadrian was even gracious enough to give them extra protection from his guards to ensure no wild ideas were acted on.

His mate's birthday was more of a private celebration between them both than spent with a large party and fanfare. Indulal got a full-day with his daughters and the rest of the court had the day from palace duties off.

Though, Herodes had maintained a vigilance to the palace; to ensure Saka didn't overexert himself.

Tom's bulging belly was now a bit more round at four months along though definitely not as large as Indulal's had been with the twins; which was normal and a relief to Tom, he really didn't want multiples on his first birthing. The idea frightened him; due to how his own mother died giving birth to him, and he was one child.

Hadrian had reassured him that he would be there for the birth of their first child together; nothing would keep him from that. And, to know that he was in the best of care for when the baby was due; Tom had access to some of the best medical staff that the creature-world here had to offer.

Meanwhile, Saka's stomach was very heavily rounded now. Seeing as he only had a couple of months left before the birth of the new princess. Hadrian was busy with preparations for the new nursery, and Saka was now excited for it to be finished.

He had also being thinking of names for the little girl; ones befitting of a princess. Though, he was hesitant to choose a specific one until she was born. They needed to know if she was a Fae or a Vampire really first; before they decided on a name for her.

Hadrian was rather interested to see how the genes ended up; it would be a first if the child was dominantly one of the two species, but had traits and mana more inclined to the other.

The common folk had begun to send tributes to the castle in thanks partially to Hadrian for aiding their move and ensuring their comfort as they rebuilt their lives in the new world; but also to ensure and to show that they cared that the new little heiress was welcomed warmly to the world. Hadrian had seen everything from clothes, formula, and books to small ornate pieces of jewelry, hand-crafted nursery decorations, and elaborately woven blankets, plushies, and more.

And it was not just for the new princess either...Hadrian and Tom's son was also already receiving tributes of gifts. Hadrian was not very surprised by this; the common people were far more adoring about him as their king; he had protected them well even while gone or off at war. It was why some of the nobility was envious and jealous of him and his power; he maintained control well.

Most of the time.

All in all; it was a very busy time for the castle.


Hadrian entered his chambers and smiled softly as he found his mate lounging in their bed; his red eyes turning to him as he stretched out and made a rather provocative show of his body to Hadrian; especially as he rubbed his belly and his eyes seemed to shine as he smirked.

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