Chapter 30: The First Outsiders

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To the delight of the elders and the council; as well as Hadrian and his court, Royal Courtesan Saka had indeed conceived from the time of his heat. The vampire king was thrilled by this fact though he had secretly suspected this outcome, but Hadrian began to wonder exactly how fertile his body had become with his change due to the mixed genes.

Especially given that currently again; he had figured out the rate and the ratio of success for him to impregnate his mate and his court, and it was telling as both Saka and his mate now were pregnant.

Male vampires that were considered as dominants were not usually; not typically considered as virile as he seemed to be now. And, especially not so among the royalty or the nobility. Sure, they were highly sexually active and lusty, but most dominant male vampires were not as...strongly able to be reproductive. Their overall traits and genetic make-up wasn't meant for it; seeing as their bodies were...undead.

Alive, but not truly alive.

But Hadrian's body seemed to be more alive than most of his clan; the multiple successful pregnancies back to back was proof alone of that. It was rare for a dominant male vampire to impregnate their mate or their submissive partner once; let alone several times. If they did; it was normally over centuries before the second came from the first.

But Hadrian, his mate and court, and all the elders and the council were not complaining about this change to their monarch; they were glad mostly for it. Though Hadrian knew some of them were still jealous and envious of it; he had to watch those ones more cautiously.

Both Tapan and Tom; they had both gone into their heat so close together merely two weeks after Saka. Hadrian couldn't have attended to both of them at one time and was rather remorseful of the fact that he had learned of Tapan's heat after it had passed due to being sequestered already with his mate in the Palace.

However, Hadrian was grateful once more to Tapan. The Naga was the courtesan that his mate was most comfortable with, and Tapan knew how much this meant to Tom as Hadrian's mate. So, he had elected to let Tom have Hadrian's attentions as he was restrained in the House of the Lotus.

Proteo made sure that Tapan remained comfortable; using his powers to help cool down the Naga's inflamed body, but also not making him so cold that it was uncomfortable for him or seriously concerning. Attending to releasing him if necessary, but not trying to overstimulate him as he did so.

To antagonize the Naga because his instincts were telling him to fight and find Hadrian; Proteo didn't want to have to force Tapan back to restraints. one in the palace; none of them would ever be able to forget the sheer noise that both Hadrian and Tom made as the vampire claimed his mate repeatedly over and over to try and to seed him as he wanted.

If Hadrian had been noisy when with Saka; then he had been extremely vocal and loud with his mate; to ensure every soul nearby knew exactly what he was up to. To ward them away from them and warn them not to dare to come closer.

Indulal had; he had a very hard time breathing...if vampires had a need to breathe, at points to all the noise...being able to somewhat imagine how Tom's body was filled. Hadrian was almost as noisy with him when he was together with him and then he had conceived the twins.

Part of it was Indulal's desire for being pregnant; it had really urged the vampire king to do everything and anything within his power to give the result that Indulal wanted. Another was Hadrian's own desire for a family; the deep-seated desire after years of being left alone and to fend for himself before Diantha took him away.

The sheer level of noise made Indulal smile; even as his breath caught at times, and he recalled how Hadrian had catered to his every whim and his every want.

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