Chapter 21: The Siege of the Red Veins Clan Part I

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With King Hadrian's rut having shown up so suddenly; it had left him with little time to prepare for the siege of the territory to the Red Veins clan. Thankfully, his mate was well enough to fight by his side when the final hours before the march was being counted down. His warriors and their called-on allies all thirsty for blood of those of their own kind or to prove themselves to the King who had given so much to them already.

They were all thirsty for battle and blood against those who had not had any remorse for taking lives of another clan.

Had let them burn and suffer or taken lives to people who were not even originally in this vendetta...forcing them to combat them and become a part of it; so Hadrian was going to return the courtesy. Hell's Icefire would rain and light their land. His shadow guards had worked hard and fast to spread word to the common people; the shamans and overseers had begged them for Hadrian's protection and clemency.

Hadrian smirked as he eyed his maps; the mass majority of the Red Veins land was in chaos from its own turmoil inside it. Most of the commoners were tired of being little more than fodder for their nobles and their royals; pledging in secrecy to be loyal to Hadrian if he freed them all from this tyranny.

It was clear that they all wanted a change in rule and leadership; they tired of slaving away working to only have to give their gold, their sweat, blood, and tears stolen from them. Starving in place of the soldiers and the nobles. Dying or being punished harshly for stealing from stores of blood.

Hadrian agreed to give them refuge; they were to pack lightly. Only to take what they felt was essential to have, and then to leave their place in this forsaken land behind. To meet the shadow-guards in an abandoned human church on the borders of both territories; where they would be taken and smuggled to safety in his lands. His courtesans all preparing them without exactly telling the people of what was to happen after the fighting.

When Hadrian had agreed to shelter them; he had not expected the mass droves that came. Hundreds of people; all of varying races, rushing for safety. Hadrian knew then; their exodus was the right choice. His lands now; they would not contain all his clan plus these refugees without him forcibly taking the lands of the Red Veins; which were next to barren and uninhabitable due to the oppression.

Herodes was so busy right now with many of the castle healers; tending to the newcomers that arrived with injuries. The faces of them were littered with gratitude, and Hadrian had seen all ages passing to his shelter. Young and old. His men and women fed them; to which they cried out with tears in thanks for. Several healers had also delivered babies that arrived early from the stress of having to move so quickly.

Hadrian made sure they had the proper medications and comforts to ensuring the new little ones were healthy and alright, as were their carriers and/or mothers. A couple of the carrier parents had died in childbirth; but Hadrian made sure that the small babies would be cared for if they had no other parent.

Hadrian's teeth had grit when he found out that the royals were stealing the children from new parents for sacrifices. Feeling guilty that he could not have acted sooner; to spare these people the pain of losing their child for this war. This was not their way; not like that. Sacrifices of blood from newborns and children were rare and usually not done unless as willing offerings from the parent or caregiver.

Usually, the child was sickly and wouldn't last long after birth in these cases, or because the child was conceived out of a mating and the parent could not care for the child; could not afford to. Generally, the parent/caregiver would try to reach out to anyone related to the child who might be able to take it, but more often than not; they didn't want the extra mouth to supply food for.

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