Chapter 29: A King's Faith and a Mate's Devotion

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When Courtesan Saka woke next; he groaned soft and quietly to himself, for he felt every muscle in his body quiver in slight pain even as he felt very satiated. Then, he blearily opened his eyes and he startled as he saw that he had been moved back to his room and left there now alone.

The Fae male courtesan wasn't surprised by this, and this time; the sensation of internal hurt to the action was less hurtful to him than if this had been the first time it had happened. But, it wasn't the first time at all; Hadrian had more than him to care for as courtesans and he had done the same thing during the rut. To ensure all his court had time and attention from him, but that meant he couldn't stay for long and to linger.

Well, he could choose to do so and to stay; the fae supposed, but then he would get a lot of angered attention from the rest of his court or his mate for it. Saka groaned louder in pleasure as he very slowly and very gently stretched out and began to sit up. As he slid to the edges of the bed; starting to a strange sensation.

Then gently reached to touch his backside and moaned with closed eyes as he felt the plug; his lips twisted into a faint smile for the feeling of it there. Hadrian must have inserted it after he had exhaustedly blacked out when they finally finished with the excess sex that heat cycles for submissives caused.

Drawing the dominant to them; enticing them to plunge and to fill. To ensure that the submissive was potentially bred and fully cared for while also satiated.

Hadrian must have placed it to ensure his semen stayed inside his body to heighten the chances of a successful pregnancy. Just because he had really gone out of his way to try to impregnate him; that didn't mean it was going to be successful. Even more so because of Hadrian being a vampire...

Though no one really knew how effective the Incubus genes and traits he had gained would be over all this either.

A knock sounded and Saka eyed the door; before softly calling to them to come in. He watched as Vielyn entered. His amethyst eyes soft to the Fae, "Your body is still rather tired, Saka. Your limbs are not exactly stable for moving about yet. You should be resting."

The Fae whined, "But I want a bath."

Vielyn then nodded, "Alright; I think this can be done. Do you want your elf to help you or me?" He asked

Saka considered this, "You can help me; I need to send my elf to fetch clothes and food. Along with my adornments that go to the outfit."

Vielyn smiled softly, "I'll go and ready the bath and make sure to add the proper healing oils to it for a faster recuperation to you; then come back to help you walk. Hadrian likely wasn't soft on you; the roars he made as he claimed you alone were enough to know that."

Vielyn's eyes shined in mischief then, "Considering we all heard them; though not all of it. Hadrian sent the court with our candidates to the market at first. To get them used to being able to know how to buy clothes and jewels suited for their status now. But, when we returned..." He smirked, "You both were quite vocal. Indulal had to hold Calistro back once; the were-leopard got horribly jealous from the sounds."

Saka flushed then as he smiled with gentleness to his features as his eyes distanced to the sunlight outside, "I imagine any male who prefers other men and were not mated and had heard that might have reacted to the noise. Yes, Hadrian was not gentle at all times, and I didn't want him to try to and hold back.

He was marvelous, as he always is." He agreed easily, "But, where is Hadrian now?" He asked

Vielyn quirked his lips to that sentiment Saka spoke of before he sighed, "He and Tom went to check on some things in the city, and then a rather abrupt dispute broke out that they had to handle. He told me to apologize for not being here when you woke up; he had wanted to be."

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