Chapter 42: Blood Heir

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As soon as Hadrian arrived to the castle; every being that was in his path towards his mate in their chambers hastily moved out of his way. The sheer amount of mana that he was giving off of him while concerned and rushing was not something anybody wanted to provoke. Considering that any mana outside of Hadrian's body visible to anyone else was sentient enough to react on its own.

Never-mind all the flashes of his eyes nor the growls he made.

In record time, Hadrian was at his chambers and could hear his mate crying out with stressed anger as Herodes was trying to soothe him as best he could. Hadrian then swiftly opened the doors and strode in as all eyes turned to him; Tom's face was pained, but he had immediately stopped yelling and crying with his rage. He showed an immense relief to see him arrive and settled down to the sensations of his magic coating their room.

Hadrian then growled warningly, and Herodes took a hint as he smiled softly to Tom for a moment; then dragged his helpers out with him to wait outside if they were needed.

Hadrian approached the bed after he took his outer layers off and transfigured the more formal attire to something else. He gently grabbed his mate's hands and his eyes showed apology to them.

"I am very sorry mate; that I was away when you began to birth and did not sense it. Something about the wards over the old vampire Nightsong Castle interfered with it and interfered with any form of telepathy. Aerin had difficulty reaching me."

His eyes conveyed his honesty to Tom; who breathed in pants as he inclined, and let Hadrian join the bed to sit behind him and to prop his body more fully. Hadrian's green eyes observing him as he took in that Tom's body had absorbed his normally male reproductive parts; the vampire had not been sure that would happen due to the need to grow a new internal bearing womb despite Tom being adequately powerful enough for it, and that he was not yet at the stages for pushing.

He was even barely dilated, this would be awhile, then. Hadrian made soothing purrs to ease Tom somewhat and to help the remaining tension at his absence to drain away; his hands gently rubbing his back to ease him bit.

"Remember mate, you can get up and to walk around if you want to. I am right here now with you; I won't allow you to fall or be hurt. Let me know if you need water or such, and if you need me to spell your bladder empty; your core is still frazzled from my absence." He told him, "And if the pain gets too intense for you; Herodes is just outside. I can call him in so that he can give me medicines for you."

Tom breathed slightly as he leaned to Hadrian with a very small nod and whimpered with extreme pain as his eyes closed; tears forming that Hadrian gently wiped away as he was letting Tom do as he needed to help get him through this. The vampire noted with a slightly internal frown that Tom was being very clingy; not that it was unexpected, but...

Hadrian had honestly expected that Tom would be a bit more...self-independent over the birth than to cling to him like that. Though Hadrian knew that Tom was afraid somewhat still; especially because of what he knew about happened to his own mother. Perhaps he just needed some time; the pain seemed very intense to his mate at the moment.

And he was right; Tom seemed to calm and to be much more at ease now that Hadrian was there with him. Much more able to relax and settle some of his nerves as he dealt with the pain he was in, which remained bad, but able for him to handle. Tom took immense comfort in leaning on the vampire's firm chest as he widened his legs and hips; which Hadrian very much enjoyed feeling and watching, when Tom was lying to the bed.

But his mate had also gotten around to walking somewhat when he felt like it. The walking, apparently, displaced some of the pain for him at times.

Hadrian's eyes were gentle yet observant when his mate was up and walking; not trying to suffocate or overprotect his mate, but also not taking chances that Tom would slip from tiredness and or dizziness. Hadrian was pleased to see him let him help him to drink water when lying or to drink it intervally as he walked; but Tom refused to allow Hadrian to empty his bladder...the man doing that on his own now that his core was more stable again.

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