Chapter 6: The Arrival of the Twins

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By late December and the closest days surrounding the potential birth, Indulal was practically bound to his bed in his chambers and relying on Hadrian for nearly everything. Hadrian had to give the rest of the court and Tom very specific instructions if he had to leave the Villa for any reason; but had promised Indulal that if he went to labor...he would be rushing home.

Yule was close at hand; the house was decorated with many trees in glistening baubles, smelled of pine, cinnamon, frost, and warm fires. Hadrian let the others even help to decorate the house in places as they wanted to. All as they made sure to keep watch on Indulal and to keep him smiling while comfortable and stress-free.

The kitchens constantly serving up mugs of hot tea, coffee, and cocoa for them all; Indulal whining when he wasn't allowed to have the cocoa at points. Too much sugar than was good for him. But Hadrian eased him from it easily; knowing his courtesan would not want to risk anything by now.

And then, the whole Villa was woken up sharply and very early to the sounds of screeches of pain from Indulal's room two days before Yule. The Court and Tom knew then; the birth of twins had arrived. Hadrian was already gone when Tom awoke in their bed alone; had been gone for some time, and he was assuming his vampire had gone to be with Indulal.

So, he rose and washed up before dressing and eating a small meal. Then walked to where he saw the other courtesans all sitting outside the doors to Indulal's room; their faces anticipatory for the babies arrival, yet pale from the sounds of his pain.

Tom knew instantly; as his face hardened behind a stoic mask, that this birth was not going to be short nor easy. So, he gently waved the rest over and let them surround him as they hugged to him. Feeling their fear for the loud screeches Indulal made.

Of course it sounded bad; Tom thought as he drew Saka's trembling form to his lap. Indulal was a vampire; those screeches he made sounded terrifying and inhuman; even worse than normal due to the intense pain he was in.

Despite he felt his mate's magic easing a lot of it.

"It's okay." He told them quietly as they all looked to him, "It sounds horrible because of the vampiric pitch; though childbirth is an ordeal. But, Indulal wants his babies more than anyone else here. He's strong, and he has Hadrian with him."

He smiled as he eyed the room softer, "They'll be okay."

But as the hours past and Indulal continued to screech; Tom began to become concerned. Healer after healer had tried to go to the room and help; only to have Hadrian roar furiously at the intrusions. Tom knew his mate had distrusted some of the castle staff, but this...just proved how protective he would be to his children.

Finally, Tom sensed Hadrian lock and seal the door shut. So, they sat and waited; in nerves and anxiousness. Listening to the sounds that were emitted from Indulal. Hearing Hadrian soothing him at intervals when the sounds lessened.

This was going to be a long day for them.


Hadrian was transformed into his vampiric form and he lied behind Indulal; gently nuzzling him as the other male breathed harshly and panted for breaths. Green eyes calm despite his worry for Indulal. Watching as he continued to ease his legs and widen them a bit before resting them and repeating the process.

It had been hours now; his precious courtesan was doing well, but he was getting tired. And it was only now where the real pushes would truly begin.

The castle healers were frantic; Hadrian knew that even as he continued to snarl and to snap at them all whenever they tried to enter. It was clear to them that Hadrian still did not trust them and that his instincts to protect his birthing courtesan were extremely active; their King most definitely did not want them around his birthing courtesan.

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