III - party all the time

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Friday night.

Dana had been thinking about it all week, she couldn't wait to just sleep in the next morning and not be rudely awoken by an obnoxious alarm clock.

She couldn't escape all annoying noises however as Steve's car horn beeped repeatedly from outside her window. She rolled her eyes at Steve's impatience as she gave her hair one last comb through and ran downstairs before he starting beeping again.

She locked the door and made her way to the car, she noted Steve was wearing his blue jacket which was secretly her favourite.

"What is it that causes girls to take so long getting ready?" Steve joked turning to face her.

"As if you don't take the same amount of time on your hair alone" Dana retorted.

"The chicks love it" Steve smirked.

Dana gave him a playful push before he drove down the street. It was starting to get colder again, there was a slight frost on the pavement indicating that winter was near.

Dana had a pair of trousers on and a long sleeve lacy shirt and was beginning to regret not bringing something to keep her warm until she got there.

"Cold?" Steve asked.

Steve was observant, she liked that about him. Most guys didn't notice the small things like he did, perhaps being friends with him had set her standards in men too high.

Steve reached behind him into the back seat before effortlessly tossing a sweater in Dana's direction. She thanked him before pulling it on over her clothes. She could smell his aftershave on it and selfishly wanted to not give it back but she knew there was no way he'd willingly give it to her.

Steve took a sharp turn confusing Dana, this wasn't the way to the mall, in fact it was the opposite.

"Are you developing some sort of memory loss? Mall is that way moron" Dana said pointing to the direction they just drove away from.

"Yeah... little change of plans" Steve replied throwing her a playful look almost like a little kid who knew they were in trouble but didn't care.

"Steve..." Dana sighed knowing she was about to be roped into something she didn't want to do.

"Look i know we were gonna go see that new movie... but i think we should go to this party instead" Steve replied biting his lip in anticipation of Dana's response.

"Cmon Steve we went to one last week" Dana groaned.

"That's kind of the norm, they happen every week" He defended.

"Well then it won't be a problem to miss this one then hm?" Dana smirked knowingly.

"I already told them I would go and that you would too" He replied.

Dana was frustrated, this meant she would be spending her night trying to look like she fit in while Steve effortlessly mingled throughout the groups. She didn't mind parties occasionally if the right people were there but she immediately knew those kind of people wouldn't be at this party, especially as they pulled into Tommy's driveway.

Teenagers were already spilling out of the house, the bass from the music inside echoing in the now silent car where Steve could tell Dana was less than impressed with his little plan change.

"Look if you're not having a fun time after an hour then i'll take us to the later screening of the film, alright?" He bargained.

She paused for a minute wanting to protest and demand they go to the one she originally planned to see but she knew it would just cause an argument or at least a bad mood in the air and she didn't want that tonight. Maybe this party would be different, maybe she would get on with everyone and they would think she's cool and fun like Steve.

Sweet Nothings // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now