XXIX - last christmas

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Dana rolled out the mixture, trying to not get any flour on her face but failing miserably. It was Christmas Eve and she was focusing on doing all the traditions she normally did even if her mom wasn't here to do them with her.

The funeral last week was hard and she basically spent the whole day clinging to Billy's side but she got through and slowly but surely, each day was starting to get the tiniest bit easier. She still cried a lot, especially thinking about all the seasonal things her and her mom liked to do but she was determined to use Christmas as a way to celebrate her.

Halloween was always her favourite but Christmas was her next choice; her mom would take at least a week off from work and they would spend that time hibernating inside the house doing various cosy activities.

First on her list was baking; she had already made brownies and was now onto gingerbread men. She used the cutter to press out the shape of the bodies and placed them in the oven leaning over the counter to take a bite of one of the brownies.

They weren't as good as her mom's and she didn't know the exact recipe so she was baking from memory mostly but they still tasted nice, especially since they were still slightly warm and melting in her mouth.

She felt two arms snake around her waist, the familiar cologne assuring her it wasn't some masked intruder trying to scare her.

"Something smells good" He hummed in her ear.

His voice was still slightly raspy like it usually was in the mornings, she'd be lying if she said that wasn't a weakness of hers.

"Look who's finally awake" She replied turning round to face him.

"You're one to talk" He teased knowing her ability to sleep in until the afternoon if given the opportunity.

She gave him a fake laugh and moved the brownie to his mouth encouraging him to take a bite. He leaned down and happily did so reacting positively as he licked his lips.

"Tasty" He winked.

He sat down at the breakfast bar watching her potter away with all sorts of baking, it was nice to see her content and busy. For a few days after the funeral she didn't leave her bedroom at all and he was worried she would get stuck in a slump again but it seemed like she had picked herself up and had motivated herself through these traditions she wanted to preserve.

"So what else is on the agenda?" He asked.

She pulled out the tray checking the cookies were coming along nicely before placing them back in the oven and setting the oven mitts on the counter.

"Well" She began "I have to take this baking to the neighbours and to Steve and Robin, I gotta rent some shitty movies to watch this evening and then I guess fill up my own stocking"

"You can't fill up your own stocking, that defeats the point" Billy replies.

"Well I know Santa isn't gonna do it" She quips.

He was glad to hear her traditions didn't involve anything boring like caroling or going to church, as much as he wanted to support her, he did not sing.

"I'll fill it up" He declared.

She gave him a look of uncertainty, not knowing whether to let him or just carry on with her plan of grabbing a handful of candy and makeup from the store and dumping it in. She'd never not had a stocking and she wasn't going to let that change this year.

"You know you're getting real soft, Cali" Dana smiled.

He smiled back at the return of her nickname for him, she had ditched it once they had grown close and he had somewhat missed it.

Sweet Nothings // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now