VI - love will tear us apart

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"Dana cmon wait up!"

Dana didn't dare to turn round and look at him, she couldn't bare to look into his soft eyes and still be able to stay mad at him so she just kept walking.

He caught up to her and grabbed her arm forcing her to face him. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes but she couldn't have Steve know just how upset she was at him being with another girl, it would ruin everything.

"I was going to tell you" He started "And Robin too... I just wanted to wait a little bit"

She found it hard to stay annoyed at someone who wore such big puppy eyes so well. He knew it too and used it to his advantage to get his way.

"Since when do you keep secrets from me?" Dana asked.

Steve wasn't one to keep quiet about his hookups much to Dana's dismay. He would always overshare if anything, causing Robin and her to roll their eyes as he rambled on.

He hadn't mentioned Nancy even once which terrified Dana because that meant she was different, she was serious.

"It's not a secret" He whispered not wanting to accept he was in the wrong.

"No you're right... it's not" She smiled weakly "I seen you making out with her at the party on the saturday"

Steve bit his lip nervously not knowing that Dana had caught him already. He was too drunk back then to care, in all honesty he had forgotten Dana was even around and had assumed she had made her way back home long before he had met up with Nancy.

"The same party that you bailed on plans with me for by the way" Dana added, bitterness laced into her words.

Steve knew he had been a bad friend lately, he couldn't help but feel consumed by his new relationship. Nancy was unlike anyone he had ever been with before; she wasn't vapid, she was caring and strong and independent and he already felt head over heels for her.

"I'll make it up to you" Steve replied.

"Don't bother" She sighed rolling her eyes as she turned her heel ready to walk away again.

"See this is why I didn't tell you!"

She stopped in her tracks and turned to face him once more. She could tell he was grasping at straws now, trying to make her feel bad the same way she was making him feel.

"I knew you'd react like this" He spat.

She was glad it was lunch and that there wasn't any witnesses to this little argument they were having, she couldn't bare her name to be used as gossip in the corridors right now.

"Like what exactly?" Dana asked crossing her arms.

For a moment, they just held a strong gaze. There was a mutual awareness in the air of a topic they both knew about but didn't care to speak.

"Don't make me say it" Steve warned.

She had always wondered if Steve knew. If he was just pretending to be blindingly unaware of her infatuation towards him or whether he really was just clueless.

"I don't know what you're talking about so help me out here" Dana smiled.

She played dumb not wanting to own up to anything just on the small chance he was talking about something else. She knew the minute they exchanged the acknowledgment of the situation that their friendship was doomed and she couldn't handle that. She wouldn't let her longest friendship be squashed and ripped away from her on a random Monday morning in November.

"I know...." Steve whispered barely audible as if saying the words were causing him physical pain.

Her heart dropped, his words or lack thereof confirming her worst fear.

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