XXXIV- missing you

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"You can't just rot away in your bed forever"

Dana let out an exasperated sigh as she rolled over and hid her face in the pillows. Robin had come over to try and get her out the slump she had been in since Christmas but safe to say it was not going well.

"But bed is so safe and warm and it doesn't hurt me" Dana replied.

"Have you even seen sunlight this week?" Robin questioned looking around the room.

Robin had seen Dana's room be a mess before but this was a whole new level, she didn't want to be too harsh on her best friend considering the hard time she had faced this year but she also couldn't let her continue like this.

Dana had caught her up with everything that had gone down and she wasn't surprised to say the least. She knew Steve would sooner or later realise his feelings towards Dana and she knew that Billy was stubborn even if he also cared for her.

"Look how about we get you out the house?" Robin asked.

"And do what?" Dana replied.

She had been out only once to go to Billy's house and try and talk to him but she was fresh out of luck, his car missing from the drive and Max explaining that Neil had essentially kicked him out.

She was worried, she didn't know where he'd gone or if he was okay and she had no way of getting in contact with him.

She also wondered why she cared so much anyway considering the things he'd said before he'd left. He'd made it clear that he only wanted her for one thing and now he'd gotten that, he was gone.

"I don't know, the mall or something?" Robin shrugged.

Dana knew that Robin didn't particularly care for trailing around the shops all day so for her to offer was really sweet. She often complained about how long Dana spent shopping for clothes and admittedly she did spend a lot of time going back and forth on options.

"Hmm, sure" Dana shrugged.

She got ready whilst Robin tidied up the mess in her room, hoping it would help motivate her friend to get back to her usual self instead of indulging in her depression.

The two girls headed out, the crisp winter air engulfing them as they headed for the bus. Dana shoved her hands in the pocket of her jacket to avoid them going numb with the cold, she missed Billy's camaro right now; the way Billy would blast the heat on full for her, the comfort of the seat and the sound of him humming along to whatever music he had on.

They got on the bus sitting near the back and observed the various groups of kids and teenagers that boarded dressed up to go impress other mall-goers. Dana remembered when the mall first opened, it was such a thrill for the outdated town. She was so used to the snobby little boutiques in the town, the mall was like a godsend now she could actually shop somewhere cool.

It was as busy as ever when they got inside; kids playing by the fountain area, girls gossiping and whispering to one another and adults tsking and tutting at how the younger shoppers were dressed and acting.

They passed by Scoops and Robin was glad to not be working today, she hated having to serve snotty little kids all day and couldn't wait until she'd saved up enough to quit. Dana spotted that Steve was working the counter, girls twirling their hair as he served them.

"Have you talked to him?" Robin asked noticing who Dana was staring at.

She shook her head, she wasn't sure how to approach him about the whole situation. She wanted to go back to their usual friendship, she missed him like crazy but she knew things were going to be awkward for a while. It was ironic, when she liked him he liked someone else and now he liked her, she liked someone else.

Sweet Nothings // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now