XII- waiting for a star to fall

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"You really have to stop doing this"

Dana looked down at the boy who cursed as he lay sprawled out on her bedroom floor once again. Billy had climbed up the side of her house and snuck into her bedroom.

"And you really need to get new windows" He groaned.

She rolled her eyes as she sat at her vanity brushing her hair and putting on her moisturiser. She wasn't phased by Billy turning up unannounced anymore, they had somewhat become quite good friends. It had made her less sad about not being on good terms with Steve and meant she had someone to hang out with when she got bored. She obviously still spent time with Robin but she was even more of a nerd than Dana so most of her time was spent studying to get into a good college.

"Your mom home?" He asked.

"Yeah but she'll be leaving for work soon" Dana said observing her hair in the mirror.

He nodded and made himself comfortable on her bed as he usually did, kicking off his boots making a loud thud on the floor. She turned and made a face indicating for him to be quieter so her mom didn't get suspicious.

He was wearing grey sweatpants and a white wife beater, quite the contrast to his usual dressed up attire for school. Dana was envious how he could suit both styles, she wished she could go out in sweats and still look good. She was wearing a band tee and some shorts; her usual choice when spending the night inside.

It was saturday night and it had been a week since they had gone to the movies with everyone. Steve hadn't spoken to her since and she felt a range of emotions towards the situation. Robin had been acting as a double agent almost; a middle man reporting back to either person what the other was doing or saying. She didn't like that they were fighting but she also understood the complex situation they were in.

Dana was tempted to tell Robin about her and Billy's fake relationship but she didn't want her to judge her and it would mean she had to come clean about being in love with Steve.

"Did you hear the latest?" Billy asked grabbing her attention.

He wore a smug smile on his face so she knew whatever he was about to tell her was going to be good.

"What?" She asked.

"Wheeler was seen hanging out with Jonathan at the mall yesterday" He said.

"Byers?" Dana asked shocked.

"Steve was not pleased let's just say that" Billy added.

She didn't even think Nancy and Jonathan were in the same social circle let alone hanging out anywhere. It was entirely possible they were just friends but she had noticed a distance between her and Steve at school. Maybe their perfect relationship was starting to show some cracks.

"Interesting" She nodded.

"Why you sitting so far away?" Billy asked trying to not sound too whiny when he said it.

"I'm waiting for my lotion to dry" She shrugged.

He didn't understand all the girly references she made towards him and most of the time he just blanked out whenever she started to talk about anything of the sorts.

"And i'm waiting for a kiss" He replied.

"You know we're not actually dating right?" Dana laughed getting up and flopping down on her side of the bed.

"Friends kiss" He shrugged in an unconvincing tone.

"Here's your kiss" She smirked bringing her palm up and hitting his forehead.

Sweet Nothings // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now