XXIV- i'll stand by you

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Billy's nerves got worse with each turn he made, so much so that he almost turned back completely and went back home but he remembered Max's words and knew if he didn't talk to her soon then it would be too late.

He made another left and seen lights ahead in the distance, at first he didn't think much but as he drove closer he felt an unsettling feeling forming in his stomach. The lights were blue and red and belonged to an ambulance parked outside Dana's house.

He quickly pulled his car to a stop and got out, about to approach the house but the ambulance siren went off loudly ringing in his ears as they began to speed down the street. He looked over at the house where the lights were all out indicating whatever was going on, no one was still left here.

He ran back to his car and started following the ambulance which had already created a fair amount of distance from cars pulling in to let it by. He tried to stay calm and not think of the worst, his anger getting the best of him every time he got stuck at a light.

Inside the ambulance, Dana was trying her best to not panic as her hand held her mothers who was laying unconscious on the gurney.

The various lights, noises and actions from the paramedics were overwhelming her and she tried to not cry, keeping the tears inside so she could be the best possible help for any questions they asked.

Her Sunday had started out normal; she woke up, went to the bathroom and made her way down to the kitchen to get breakfast. Except when she walked into the room, she found her mother lying on the floor, arms outstretched and unresponsive to her cries and touch. Her fingers trembled as she rang for help while making sure she was still breathing, she felt like a little kid and wished her dad was still around to be there and help.

She knew something had been off with her mom, she wished she had pushed more and got her to open up about whatever was going on and maybe this could have been prevented.

It wasn't long before they reached the hospital and her mom was being rushed into the building, staff running around and whisking her away through some double doors. She tried to keep up with all the words she was hearing and what it could all mean.

She had been left in an empty waiting room while the staff got to work on stabilising her mother, she almost wished she was still out at the main reception where it was busy and there was other things going on to distract herself. The stillness of this room made her feel uneasy, the yellow lighting and hard plastic seats transporting her back in time to when she would visit her dad.

She always hated hospitals, the clinical smell that lingered, the noises, the maze like corridors. When her dad was ill she came here almost every day and she had avoided it since his passing but now she was sat here it was like no time had passed at all and she was fifteen all over again. She didn't know how her mom still managed to work here and how the memories attached didn't constantly plague her.

A nurse came through the doors and locked her eyes onto Dana's, she recognised her as one of her mom's coworkers; Sandra. She felt an instant wave of ease wash over her as she finally had a familiar face around to help her understand what was going on.

"You doing okay, sweetheart?" Sandra asked.

"What's happening?" Dana asked, her voice coming out more like a whisper.

"She took a reaction to the treatment, it's still in the trial period and she knew there could be risks to it" Sandra replied with a pitying look.

Dana's eyes furrowed at her words, she thought the woman would be able to provide her some clarity but she felt more confused than ever.

"Treatment? What treatment?" Dana asked.

"For the cancer" Sandra clarified "Didn't she tell you about the treatment?"

Sweet Nothings // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now