XXXV- need you tonight

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Dana reached over a group of guys and pulled out a beer from the cooler. She expertly cracked it open and took a long swig earning impressed looks all around.

"Don't you think you should slow down?" Robin asked in a low voice.

They hadn't even been here an hour and Dana had already made her way through various colourful drinks and beers and was only getting more visibly drunk.

"It's New Years Robin" Dana replied "Live a little"

Robin was glad to see her best friend having a fun time but she was also worried about her going overboard. Normally Steve would be the one to make sure nothing happened to her or carry her away when she'd overdone it on the shots.

Dana handed Robin a questionable looking shot and they both tipped their heads back, it stung the back of their throats as they tried to not cough too much.

The party was busy, easily the biggest one of the whole year so it was no surprise that the house was filled with sweaty bodied teenagers trying to get lucky. The speakers started playing one of Dana's favourite songs and Robin could tell from the audible gasp that left her lips that she was going to be kept on her feet all night.

"Let's dance!" Dana squealed, grabbing Robin's arms.

She led them into the middle of the room where other people were also dancing and joined in. Dana felt light and happy, the alcohol in her system working wonders at distracting her from all her problems.

She could feel eyes on her which normally she would be anxious over but right now she felt confident. She looked good and she knew it. A few guys tried to come up and join her, pulling her in more intimately but she brushed them off to continue dancing with Robin. She was here to have a good time with her friend and despite how it made her feel, she wasn't looking for any male attention except from one person in particular.

The person in question had his eyes on her the whole time, he'd only been here ten minutes but he had locked onto her the minute he'd arrived. It wasn't hard to spot her, she was the centre of attention as she swayed and twirled in the middle of the living room.

Billy wanted to focus on something else but it was no use, his eyes always wandered back to her. His eyes were greedy as he drank in her appearance; she was wearing a tight black dress with straps that were barely there and fishnet tights. Her dress rode up more and more as she danced leaving Billy's mouth dry as flashbacks of their night together compiled in his head.

"You good man? You look like you're in some sort of trance" Tommy laughed.

He handed Billy a beer and he happily took it from his hands and downed half the bottle. It seemed like getting over Dana was going to be a lot harder than he had anticipated.

Tommy noticed his friend ogling Dana from afar, he wasn't really sure where their relationship stood or how much of it was genuine. Guys were trying to grab her attention left, right and centre and he could see that was only bothering Billy more and more as he chugged down beer after beer.

"Tina was looking for you" Tommy stated.

Billy fought the urge to roll his eyes, of course she was. He knew if he kept up his drinking that he was going to lose patience and just shout at her to leave him alone, maybe that was the best thing to do.

"Tell her i'm not here" Billy replied dryly as he finished another bottle.

"Cmon, don't you want to get lucky tonight?" Tommy teased hitting his shoulder playfully.

Billy shrugged in response, sure he had considered it. After all, he was used to running through girls like a rotation but that had changed upon moving here and meeting Dana. He knew the best way to get over someone was to get with someone else but he couldn't help but feel guilty at the thought of that.

Sweet Nothings // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now