XIX- Shattered dreams

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Dana shoved her books into her locker letting out a yawn and observing her dark circles in the mirror on her locker door. She had stayed up late working on her essays and didn't go to sleep until 1am so she only had about 5 hours before her alarm clock went off.

"Someone up all night huh?" Robin teased.

Dana knew she was alluding to something way more fun than just schoolwork and let out a sigh trying to decide which would have been more complicated.

"Not in the way you'd think" She replied.

Dana was already dreaming of friday so it could be the weekend again and she didn't need to get up early or spend all day listening to subjects she didn't care about.

Steve emptied his stuff in his own locker, chucking it in without a care for the condition of anything. He slammed it closed and walked over to the girls with a sulky look plastered on his face. Dana figured he would still be in the same mood he left hers in on Saturday and she couldn't help but wonder how long it would last.

Dana and Robin exchanged a look, unsure of how to console their friend. They could see other kids in the hallways whispering and looking over at Steve who was doing a terrible job at hiding his sadness.

"How you holding up?" Robin asked awkwardly patting his shoulder.

"Never been better" Steve sighed.

Two arms wrapped themselves around Dana and lifted her up slightly taking her by surprise, she didn't need to turn around to know who it was. She tried to not squeal and attract any more attention to their group and playfully elbowed Billy to put her down. She had only left him by the other jocks ten minutes ago after he had drove them to school and she usually didn't see him again until lunch.

"Feisty this morning" He smirked planting a kiss on her forehead.

Steve didn't even attempt to hide his eye roll watching the little scene, it was like they were trying to make him feel worse about his own relationship being ripped apart.

"Tommy was looking for you" Billy said directing his attention to Steve.

"Thanks" Steve mumbled.

Dana, Billy and Robin chatted briefly while Steve did his best to ignore everyone and lean against the wall dreading the rest of the day.

Dana's attention was caught by Nancy walking in hand in hand with Jonathan. She let out a gasp which made Steve turn to face her wondering what had caused her reaction and she tried to play it off so he didn't look behind him but it was no use, his eyes had already fallen on the new couple.

"You've got to be joking" He whispered under his breath.

She watched as a whole new wave of hurt glossed over his eyes and she wanted to just take his hand and pull him away like at the party and stop the pain for him but she knew it would be no use. He was sober now and when he focused on something, he wasn't going to drop it.

Before any of them could stop him, Steve speed walked his way over to Nancy and Jonathan who were surprised he was even making contact with either of them.

"Oh no" Robin murmured.

Steve was over this whole situation and the anger that had bubbled up inside him over the weekend was about to spill. His fist connected with Jonathan's face knocking the boy over earning a collective gasp from the body of students in the hall.

The two boys began fighting pushing each other against walls and crashing into lockers. Nancy screamed at both of them to stop but their focus wasn't on her for once.

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