XVIII- part-time lover

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"Are you sure I look alright?"

Dana smoothed down her dress one final time as they walked up Billy's driveway for dinner. He had already confirmed she looked okay about five times but he didn't get annoyed as he was just as nervous as she was.

He didn't know how his dad was going to act or what he would want to talk about so he couldn't really prepare Dana but he had faith that she would manage to improvise no matter what.

Susan greeted them as they came inside the house, Billy noted how she had extra makeup on than usual meaning she was probably hiding some bruise Neil had no doubt given her.

"Nice to meet you sweetie, I'm Susan"

"Dana" She replied "Thanks for inviting me over"

"Well we had to meet the girl that settled down William" Neil said with a plastered smile on his face but a slight tone hidden in his words.

It wasn't a secret that Billy had been through his fair amount of girls both in Hawkins and California. He had never had a serious girlfriend to bring home but he didn't think Neil or Susan would particularly care if he did or not.

They all sat at the dining table, Max included. Susan had clearly spent a lot of time cooking the meal, the table was filled with food from chicken to vegetables to two different types of potatoes and sauce. She almost felt bad that they had gone to such an effort when her and Billy weren't even really dating, it was all a facade and one that was becoming blurred the longer it went on.

"So how did you two meet?" Susan asked giddily.

Susan seemed nice, she was exactly the type of suburban mom you expect to see in this town and Dana felt comfortable talking to her unlike Billy's dad who held himself with a certain dominating manner. He sat at the head of the table, his eyes studying the table almost as if he was waiting for an opportunity to pounce. She noted that Max stayed silent, her usual outgoing and sarcastic personality nowhere to be seen as she kept her head down and out of line of trouble.

"We met at school" Dana smiled "We sit next to each other in history"

She politely ate the food in front of her, while it wasn't great, it wasn't terrible and she didn't want to be rude by leaving any on her plate.

"High school sweethearts" Susan giggled sipping her wine.

It was obvious she was slightly tipsy and Billy could tell Neil was displeased with that, he figured that would earn her another bruise later.

"So Dana, are you going to be attending college next year?" Neil asked.

She felt like she was in an interview, scared of saying the wrong thing. She could tell Neil was the traditional type of man who probably encouraged education even if she still hadn't made up her mind about going.

"I've applied to a few yes, still waiting to hear back" She replied technically not lying.

He nodded impressed, she felt relieved she had picked the right thing to say and so was Billy watching on as Neil wiped his mouth with his napkin.

"Do you hear that William? Maybe you should take note" He said.

Billy felt his heart quicken, of course he was going to use this dinner as a way to lecture him about his choices. He didn't want to go to college, at least not anywhere near Hawkins. He was going to go back to California and his dad wouldn't have a say in the matter because he'd be eighteen; an adult in the eyes of the state.

"It's too late for me to apply now" Billy mumbled keeping his eyes down at his plate.

"And whose fault is that?" Neil quipped.

Sweet Nothings // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now