VII- blue monday

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Dana looked out the window sitting in the seat she was becoming familiar with as Billy drove them down the street.

She already felt a certain thrill from leaving school early, she had never done it before and while it wasn't particularly rebellious or groundbreaking, it gave her a sense of independence and control.

They didn't talk, the radio on full blast filling the space for conversation instead. She didn't mind that much, she was enjoying the breeze coming in from the top of the window and the comfort of knowing she didn't need to sit through double chemistry.

She hadn't even noticed where Billy was pulling into until they were in the car park. It was deserted, of course; no one had a reason to drive out here anymore and the closest thing next to it was a line of stores but even that a few blocks over.

"Is this the only place you know in town?" Dana asked, half joking.

"I know where your house is too" He grinned reminding her he dropped her home after the party.

"Funny" She replied dryly.

They both got out the car and climbed in through the entrance they had previously used. It was a lot easier to do this in broad daylight than in the pitch black like last time.

She could see the damage a lot better now, this place had really suffered a lot of destruction over the years.

Billy sat down in a booth as he sparked up a cigarette. She watched as he took in a large inhale and closed his eyes blowing the smoke back out his mouth while tilting his head back. She had never really found the appeal in smoking and didn't consider it something that was attractive but the way he did it so effortlessly made her reevaluate her opinion.

"So steve huh?" Billy asked taking another inhale.

Dana wandered over and sat across from him leaning back to not get as much smoke in her face, she dreaded the thought of the scent clinging to her clothes.

"Unfortunately" She sighed.

She wanted nothing more than to be rid of her feelings for Steve, it complicated everything and made her miserable. He was her best friend and she had to keep reminding herself of that fact, he wasn't hers to be jealous over.

"You can do better" He stated blowing the smoke to the side to avoid getting it right in her face.

She appreciated his words although she didn't believe them. She couldn't think about being with anyone else, no one knew her like he did. He had been there when she had her awkward stage, when her dad died, when she got bullied and every other down moment in her life. She couldn't have got through any of it without him, she needed him.

"What's so special about Nancy Wheeler anyway?" She groaned.

Billy had seen Nancy at a few of the parties but didn't see the appeal the other guys did. Sure she had a nice figure and a pretty face but besides that she was boring and a bit of a priss. She acted like she was too good to be there and then would be all over Steve as soon as he paid her any attention.

"You're way hotter than her, don't worry" Billy assured finishing off his cigarette.

"Hmm" She hummed unconvinced.

She appreciated Billy's efforts to cheer her up but she just felt deflated and wanted to just lie in bed and feel sorry for herself. It was like the moment had finally caught up to her; what was anger had now turned into sadness and she was so over feeling sad about Steve Harrington.

"Here" He said handing her an empty mug.

"If you want me to make coffee you're out of luck" She joked pointing to the old coffee machine that had been bashed to pieces.

Sweet Nothings // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now