XX- two of hearts

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"Steve almost got caught leaving this morning, didn't you Steve?"

Dana stabbed the food on her plate trying to block out Tina's painfully in depth description of her morning and how Steve had spent the night at her house. She knew that already of course as she had seen his car outside Tina's house as Billy drove them past to go to school.

Steve's arm was casually draped around Tina while he lazily ate a bag of chips. While he answered Tina's questions, it was clear his mind and his focus was elsewhere as he scanned the room looking for the one person he was obviously trying to make jealous.

Billy had his own arm around Dana mimicking his pose but unlike Steve it actually looked natural. He was already regretting his decision to pawn Tina off onto Steve as he hadn't realised just how much she would linger around their group.

Tina dominated most of the conversation at the table much to everyone's distain. She didn't seem to understand that no one cared for all the stories she was telling, continuing animatedly and laughing.

"We should do something tonight Stevie" She beamed.

These words brought him out his trance, switching his eyes away from a few tables over to the giddy girl beside him.

"Huh?" He asked as she looked at him with expectant eyes.

"Tonight" She reiterated "We should do something"

Steve tried to hide the panic on his face, he was admittedly only using Tina as a means to get back at Nancy not that she had even paid any attention.

"Oh yeah that sounds...fun" Steve trailed.

Tina clapped her hands as she started mentioning the details of the date and what they would do, the list reading off like chores to Steve.

"Hey, how about you guys join?" He interjected looking over at Dana and Billy.

Steve and Billy weren't friends per se but they had diminished their rivalry and were at the very least being civil.

Dana's eyes widened at the suggestion not expecting Steve to ever suggest a plan that involved being around Billy let alone one where it involved such a small group.

"I don't know" Dana trailed not wanting to see Steve around his new fling.

"It'll be fun" Steve persuaded "Like a double date"

Dana wasn't ever really good at saying no or letting people down especially when they were staring right at her with a smile on their face awaiting a response.

"Sure" She replied forcing a smile "Why not?"

She quickly exchanged a look with Billy only he could understand; he knew she didn't want to go to this but she was too nice to say no.

"Hope you're ready to get dominated at bowling, Harrington" Billy smirked cockily.

Steve already knew Billy would jump at the chance to show off especially in front of Dana and he knew from basketball that he was super competitive as well. He had accepted he probably was going to lose but if it meant that he didn't need to spend the whole time with Tina alone, he considered it a win.

He had only really wanted to get with her once to get over Nancy but Tina was making it very clear that she did not see this encounter as a one time thing and Steve had no idea how to get rid of her. He had danced his way around telling her he didn't want anything serious but she seemed to completely ignore this little fact. He figured he may as well use that to his advantage and try and evoke a reaction out of Nancy.

The bell rang indicating lunch was over and everyone started making their way to their afternoon classes. While Dana was glad it was almost the weekend, she was now dreading this double date and tried to think of ways to get out of it.

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