XXVII- sweet dreams

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Dana stared at the light pink tile of her bathroom wall as she sat in the bath that Billy had ran for her. She normally loved baths, in fact she spent most weekends cosied up under the water with a book in her hand and relaxing with music on in the background.

Today, she sat there in silence. She hugged her knees and zoned out, thinking about all the things she would have to endure over the next week. She had to sort out the hospital bills, the funeral, the house; it was too much to cope with and she just felt like sinking down and submerging herself underwater.

She couldn't believe how quickly her life had turned round in just one week. At least when her dad died she had known it was coming; she could prepare for it and get to say her goodbyes. She didn't get to say goodbye to her mom, she didn't have any time to even comprehend what was happening before she was gone.


The word bounced around in her head knowing that was what she was classified as now. She had no one to spend holidays with, no one to walk her down the aisle, no one to be there for advice or even just a hug. She was all alone.

"You okay in there?" Billy asked from outside the door.

She had no concept of time or how long she had been soaking in there but the water that was once steaming hot now felt lukewarm so she gathered it had been a while.

"Fine" She replied.

She heard him walk away and retreat back downstairs, she knew he was just worried and she was grateful. It was time for her to get out the bath but she couldn't bring herself to move, it had been like that a lot for the past few days. She was still in a state of shock trying to process everything around her.

Meanwhile, Billy and Steve sat across from one another on the couches whispering concerns for the girl upstairs.

"My mom sorted out the insurance stuff but she needs to talk to the funeral directors herself, they won't discuss anything without her there" Steve explained.

"I'll take her tomorrow" Billy nodded "She's been putting it off, don't blame her I guess"

Despite their differences and dislike to one another, they had been doing a good job of working together to support Dana. Steve's mom had also been bringing over home cooked meals which Billy was thankful for because he couldn't cook for shit.

"Does she not have any other relatives? Someone we can call?" Billy asked.

He didn't mind sorting out things himself, he was a pretty determined and independent guy but he thought that she surely had some family that could help support her, at least emotionally.

"She only has a great aunt but she's pretty much senile in an old folks home somewhere" Steve replied.

He had always remembered Dana's family as close knit, both her parents grew up without siblings and her grandparents had also passed when she was quite young. He knew that's why she had spent so much time around his family over the years, it was their way of expanding slightly for her after they failed to give her any siblings.

"Shit" Billy replied.

He felt bad for her, losing a parent isn't easy let alone two and before you've even graduated high school. At least she had turned 18 already so she didn't need to go through the ordeal of being put in foster care or anything.

Billy was about to ask another question but abruptly stopped as he noticed Dana sneaking in the door quietly. She was still wearing his hoodie and had been since he had given it to her after coming home from the hospital, despite the circumstances he liked seeing her in it and he thought it was cute how much it drowned her small frame.

Sweet Nothings // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now