XV- just can't get enough

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She approached Billy's street, the sky getting darker and the temperature dropping even colder than it already was. Dana loved winter, she loved christmas and being cosy inside with the fire and a candle on but she did not like being outside in it feeling like her ears were gonna freeze off.

She noticed a car drive out of Billy's driveway including Max in the backseat who was too focused on looking down to see Dana approaching the house. Billy's car was still there and his bedroom light was on indicating he was still at home so she kept walking closer.

She could hear shouting and cursing but it wasn't an argument, it was all one sided and she knew the voice it belonged to.

She got to Billy's window and seen him throwing around his belongings in his room, he was freaking out and Dana had no idea why.

"Fuck" Billy hissed clutching his already injured hand.

She didn't want to scare him but she wanted him to stop hurting himself, it was obvious something had set him off.

She knocked on his window and he turned round, his face dropping from anger to panic as he wondered how long he had been there. He slid his window open and looked out at the girl shivering in the cold and looking up at him with the same concern as earlier.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He asked.

"I left my bag in your car" She explained.

He moved around the room grabbing his keys from his bedside table and threw them out to her, slightly more rough than she would have liked as she scrambled to pick them up off the floor.

He sat on the edge of his bed facing the opposite way from her trying to steady his breath.

She carefully climbed in through his window and walked towards him. He flinched as she placed her hand on his shoulder, she jumped back as he grabbed her arm with his eyes wide.

He quickly dropped her arm and tore his gaze away and onto the floor, he cleared his throat and licked his lips.

"You need to go" He stated in a quiet tone.

"Billy what's going on?" She asked.

"Nothing, just go away" He replied.

She bent down trying to get him to look at her, something was wrong and he was covered in cuts and bruises and she was sure they weren't self inflicted.

"Billy you can-"

"Just fuck off! I don't need your help or your pity or whatever idea you have about fixing me that's clearly running through your head" He spat standing up and walking to the other side of the room.

"You can't just make me go away and think it'll solve anything" Dana replied.

She tried to not let his hurtful tone get to her, she knew it was all a mask to cover up whatever problems he was facing. They were friends and she wanted to be able to help him even if he was reluctant.

"Just get your shit from my car and leave" He said.

"Who did this to you?" She asked ignoring all his requests for her to leave.

"It's none of your business" He sighed.

He was getting frustrated with her now and he didn't want to be, he liked what they had going on and the more intertwined she became with his problems, the more likely it would be that she would leave. He knew he had issues and he didn't need to bring her into them or want her to try and fix them for him.

"Can you not shut me out? I just want to help" Dana replied, her eyes soft and begging to break down the walls he had built up.

He couldn't help but put up his defences, it was what he was used to and it had worked for him so far.

Sweet Nothings // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now