IV- I think we're alone now

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Dana admired the interior of Billy's car, it was well loved and looked after unlike Steve's battered up ride. Steve's dad promised him a new car soon so he had lost interest in keeping the car he once cherished in good condition.

Billy started up his camaro earning a few stares from girls lingering outside the house as Dana buckled herself in. Soon enough he was speeding down the road and dana looked out the window as the lights and buildings blurred together as they went whizzing past.

It was a good job she felt slightly less drunk as the motion might've made her throw up all over Billy's car which she knew he would not appreciate.

"So where do you live?" He asked.

"At least take me out to dinner first" She giggled leaning her head against the window and closing her eyes.

That earned her a laugh in return and she noticed how pretty his smile was. Sure, he was attractive when he looked all moody and mysterious but she thought he looked better when he smiled. She considered telling him but she knew that was just her drunken mind wanting to babble for the sake of saying something to fill the silence.

"I need to know where to drop you off" He stated while turning the radio on to provide some background noise.

"And here was me thinking you were fun" Dana pouted.

Billy averted his eyes from the road for the first time since he had started driving to look at the girl. As if feeling his gaze, her eyes opened and met his and they held it for a moment before he ripped his away to focus on the road.

"I am fun" He retorted "I just thought you'd want to go home"

She did want to go home, her room was her favourite place to be. She was a homebody really, she loved being cosy with a book with some music playing in the background. She loved soaking in a bath with a magazine and the ambience of candles around her. Yet for some reason, she wasn't ready to go back to it yet even though a few hours ago she would've wanted nothing more.

"I do... just not yet" She replied simply before rolling the window down and sticking her head out.

The wind immediately caught her hair blowing it dramatically behind her as she closed her eyes once again to protect them from drying out. The cold felt nice, it was sobering her and making her feel less sick from the heat inside the car.

Billy Idol was playing from the radio and the lights from the streets echoed around her as she enjoyed the moment. She wasn't sure if it was the remaining vodka in her system that was making her feel this free but she felt like she was in a movie.

"That's gonna be a bitch to brush in the morning, you know" He smirked occasionally glancing over at her.

He was just driving for the sake of it at this point, he could tell she was enjoying the moment and didn't know of anywhere good to go at this time, he wasn't super acquainted with the town yet.

"You know you're quite the buzzkill, Cali" Dana replied bringing her head back inside the window and rolling it up.

She smoothed down her hair and felt how cold her cheeks were, they were almost numb but she quite liked the feeling.

He had grown quite fond of her little nickname for him, he wasnt normally one to enjoy or even allow people to call him anything other than Billy. The only other person who didn't follow this rule was his father; he opted for referring to him as William which Billy hated. It was too formal and more often than not he was using it with a disapproving tone.

"Is that so?" He replied playfully.

He was enjoying Dana being in a more carefree mood. At school she tried her best to stay quiet and focus on the class, he would try and chat to her and she would occasionally entertain it but more often than not he would give up and start daydreaming about something more fun than school.

Sweet Nothings // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now