XXXIII- blue christmas

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Billy turned off the engine and let out a sigh as he parked outside his house. Somewhere he had been avoiding for over a week and a half and was not looking forward to returning to.

He could see inside the living room window where Max was sitting reading a comic book while Neil had a cold can in his hand. Billy sucked in a deep breath preparing himself for what he was about to walk into.

He opened the door and all three heads turned to face him; Max looked happy, Susan seemed relieved almost and Neil looked smug. He stepped into the living room with his tail between his legs as his dad stood up from the couch, coming to face him like a cowboy standoff.

"Look who's decided they suddenly want to be a part of the family" Neil smiled, his voice laced with fakeness.

"Billy sweetie, sit down" Susan said "I just finished making lunch"

He could tell Susan was glad to have someone else around to take the heat from Neil, he wished she actually wanted his presence rather than him just being a means to detract attention away from her.

"He'll do no such thing" Neil stated "Food that I pay for goes only to those who are part of this household"

"You done?" Billy asked, his patience thin.

Neil didn't like that one bit, it was clear his son had forgotten his ranking within the house and how he was supposed to talk to his superior. He took a long swig of his can before wiping his mouth, his moustache wet from the foam.

"We're trying to enjoy our Christmas as a family so I think you better get going" Neil said.

Billy was surprised, Neil would usually be handing him a list of chores to complete the minute he got home not telling him to get out. He relied on Billy too much to do all the work he was too lazy to do himself.

"I'll remind you i'm your only blood relation here" Billy quipped.

Neil let out a bitter laugh as he looked at his son who was getting too big for his boots. If there was one thing he hated, it was someone talking back to him.

"Your stuff is in the garage" Neil said nonchalantly as he sat back down in the chair and flicked through the tv channels.

He caught Max's eyes who threw him a sympathetic look as the reality of the situation settled in.

He was being kicked out.

He moved past his dad and towards his bedroom, he opened the door and seen it stripped bare of all his belongings. His posters were gone, his vinyls were gone; everything.

"What the fuck?!" Billy shouted re-entering the living room.

"I'd only assumed you had moved out with how long you had been missing" Neil said, his eyes focused on the television.

He hadn't ever seen his dad like this, he normally shouted at him, hitting and screaming while he hurled abuse. This was somehow scarier, he was calm and controlled and Billy somehow couldn't help but wonder when he was going to snap and return to what he was used to.

"I haven't even been gone two weeks!" Billy protested.

"Well your room is now going to be my new office" Neil stated.

He couldn't believe it or rather he could; too well. After everything he had done for his dad, all the times he watched Max, did the housework, ran errands and taken his abuse... it was all for nothing. Now he didn't even have somewhere to sleep for the night.

"Why do you hate me so much?" Billy asked exasperated.

He didn't understand it. Even when he was a kid and his mom was still around, Neil was still the same. Always complaining, always annoyed no matter what.

Sweet Nothings // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now