X- looks that kill

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"What kind of proposition?" Dana quizzed tossing back a shot of mystery liquor and trying to conceal her grimace as the burning in her throat grew stronger.

There were people all around them and Billy was aware that anyone could be listening in so he gently placed a hand on her back and guided her out the kitchen.

"Let's walk" He said.

He pushed past the crowd of people that filled the house and opened the door to his bedroom. There was a couple making out on his bed and he only had to give them a quick glare before they quickly got up and made their way out leaving just Dana and Billy alone.

She flopped down on his bed, hitting her head slightly against the wall and cradling it immediately groaning in pain. He could see she was pretty drunk by now and tried to stifle a laugh as she lay there pouting like a child.

"I think I have a solution to both our problems" Billy said sitting next to her on the bed but turning to face her.

She stopped tending to her head and looked up, curious to what he had to say.

"I want to get Tina off my back and you want to prove to Steve and Nancy you're not interested right?" He asked.

She wanted Nancy off her back for sure, maybe if she didn't see her as a threat then her friendship with Steve could continue on as normal although given the current situation she was pretty annoyed at him. She didn't understand why he would share such an intimate and sensitive memory with Tommy of all people.

"Well... hear me out" He said pausing to think of the right way to approach the topic.

She looked at him expectantly, wondering what he was conjuring up in his head that could help their situation.

"What if we....dated?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"No offence but I would never date you in a million years" She replied, taking another sip of her drink.

Her vision was slightly blurry, it was clear the mixture of alcohols were speeding up the process of her intoxication but she still felt enough in control to not end up passed out in a bush outside or god forbid waking up next to a stranger.

"Good job it's all fake then isn't it?" He retorted, trying to brush off the semi-insult she had just thrown.

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion unsure if he wasn't making sense or whether her head was just mixing things up to blur her comprehension of what he was trying to tell her.

"What do you mean?" She pressed finishing the contents of the cup.

"I mean that you and I pretend we're dating" He explained "Tina will stop trying to get with me, Nancy will think you don't want her man and Harrington might even get jealous"

"Steve wouldn't get jealous" She dismissed.

"I don't know, he's been telling me to stay away from you" Billy shrugged highlighting to her that she may not know Steve's intentions as well as she thought.

"He what?" Dana asked not believing his words.

"He thinks i'm going to break your heart" Billy added "Ironic huh?"

She processed what he said and she couldn't understand how her life had become so complex. Steve barely spent any time with her but still managed to tell Billy to stay away from her as if he had any right? Best friend or not, she was not going to let him dictate who could be in her life.

"How would you be able to get all those girls if you're dating me hm?" Dana asked.

It was no secret he was a ladies man, he'd already taken out several girls at school and she didn't even want to think about how far he went with each of them. She wasn't going to be made to look a fool with her 'boyfriend' sleeping around with other girls at school.

Sweet Nothings // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now