XXII- don't you want me

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Dana felt like a lion stalking their prey walking through the crowds of sweaty teenagers trying to find who she was looking for.

"Is everything alright? You seem...weird" Steve asked trying to catch up with her.

"I'm great" She smiled "Just really need a drink"

Steve could tell something was off, Dana often had to be convinced to go to a party not be the one dragging him. He kept an eye out for either Tina or Nancy, not in the mood for a running into of either sorts.

Dana's eyes heard a familiar laugh and stopped in her tracks, her eyes locking onto Billy sitting on a counter sipping from a beer and chatting away to his friends. His eyes trailed over spotting her, as if his senses had alerted him of her presence. He felt giddy, the last thing he had expected was for Dana to join in on the party going but was happy she was here so he could spend time with her.

He flashed her his signature smile and motioned for her to come over, he noticed Steve following behind her slightly annoyed he had joined her in attending but didn't let his face drop.

"Hey gorgeous" He said.

She walked up to him trying to not let her anger erupt right there and then. Instead, she plastered a sickly sweet smile on her face and playfully batted her eyelashes up at him while he remained none the wiser.

"Hey babe" She replied trying to not scowl at the use of the nickname "Can I pull you away for a minute?"

His friends all hollered and jabbed eachother clearly thinking their friend was about to get lucky, how little they knew...

Billy tried to conceal his excitement at the assumption his plan was working and that Steve had talked Dana's ear off about Tina and she was now crawling into his arms and hopefully his bed.

She pulled him into a bathroom on the other side of the house where it was quieter, all good signs in Billy's mind. She closed the door and turned to face him, her eyes seeming determined.

"Changed your mind about our little agreement?" He asked confidently.

As if she wasn't annoyed enough with him already, his ego was only pushing her buttons more. She wanted to slap that stupid smirk right off his face and if he continued to act like this, that was going to be a likely scenario.

"You told Steve that Tina had a thing for him?" Dana asked, eyebrows raised.


Billy's victorious smile became replaced with a look of panic as he felt the anger radiate off of the girl in front of him.

"I can explain" He said trying to scramble for a reason in his head.

"Please do" Dana laughed "I'd love to hear it"

This was not good at all, he was hardly in the mindset to talk his way out of this sober let alone when he was halfway to being drunk.

"He was upset about Nancy and I was trying to..to comfort him and it just slipped out I don't know I just-" He stammered.

"Don't lie to me" Dana replied, her eyebrows furrowed down.

"I'm not!" Billy defended.

"You're not his friend, you wouldn't comfort him" She explained "This was all about you and what you wanted and to get me to agree to this new arrangement you interfered"

He didn't respond because she was right, she could see right through him and find his true intentions. She could read him better than anyone else and it scared him, he didn't like feeling so open to anyone.

Sweet Nothings // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now