Chapter 3

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Rody tries to ignore Vince's cold eyes on him. What was that yesterday? His boss tried to kiss him only one month after he got hired as his waiter.
"Is he still staring at me?" he turns his head, only to see Vince still looking at him "Nope nevermind. Keep cleaning."
"Rody, come to my office after you're finished cleaning up."
"Not again..." what is he gonna do this time? Scold him? Say how horrible he is at being professional? Rody already got used to all the scolding and insults from his past jobs.
The only person that made him smile was Manon until she dumped him. It has been a while since he talked to his mom or aunt (they're twin sisters) but now Rayna re-appeared in his life. He smiles just thinking about their times together, at school and at home.
Rody takes out the trash, then washes his hands. He goes into Vince's office, expecting him to be inside, having a smoke. A pair of hands touch Rody's hips, making him flinch.
"Vince?" without another word, Vince turns him around and kisses him.
Rody is frozen of shock. His own boss is kissing him.
"I have to push him. Why can't I push him? What's wrong with me? Do I like this? But he's my boss! This is wrong!" his mind is racing, his heart is beating
Vince licks Rody's bottom lip to enter his mouth. Rody parts his lips without thinking much. Vince's tongue enters without a second wasted. His tongue touches his teeth, inside of his cheeks, under Rody's tongue, the mouth roof, which is ticklish, making him moan a bit. Vince seems stronger, both being the same height. A line of saliva is left from the parted lips.
"V-Vince what was that? You can't do- you can't do this! I'm your employee!" his cheeks get cupped
"What if I want us to be more?"
"But you have a reputation."
"My private life is my business." Rody feels his hand held by Vince's hand
"But what about Manon?"
"What about her?"
"I saw pictures of you two in the trash in your office!" he points at the trash
"Rody, is she worth it? She left you yet you cling onto her. She insulted you. I can treat you much better than her. I can give you more love than she did." his fingers brush Rody's hair
Rody moves his hand away "You got a bistro to manage. You deseve a girl to marry and maybe continue the bistro working forward." as in for his future child to take over the bistro "I struggle to make money. I can't offer you back what you give. I'm sorry Vince." Rody tries to walk away, only to be grabbed and pinned to the nearest wall.
"When I set my mind to something... I stick to it. Unlike that girl who left you and did not appreciate you, I treat my partner equally. I want you, only you. What's so hard to understand?"
"Why me? I'm nothing special."
Vince wanted to taste those lips to see if they are sweet at him. They were. It felt amazing. He lost his taste when he was young, but could taste the person he likes. He wants Rody by being him, not for anything else.
"V-Vince!" he got so close to Rody that something is rubbing onto them
Rody nervously is looking down. Two bulges are rubbing against each other.
"Aww is someone a little shy~?" Vince moves his tongue on Rody's neck
"W-Wait-!" Rody gets lifted and set on Vince's desk.
Vince moves his hands on Rody's hips and waist "You are special. To me." he kisses him once again
"B-But we just met!"
"We met before"
"I'll tell you when the time is right."
One thing goes to another, Rody ends up in Vince's apartment for a second time, not as a waiter, but as his future boyfriend.

Rody wakes up in Vincent's room. His hair is a mess. It's still night.
"I need to call Rayna now. She must be worried sick." he carefully gets out of the bed, not to wake up Vince.
Carefully leaving the bedroom, going into the hallway, to the living room.
"Bingo!" the phone is on sight
Walking slowly in the room, grabs the handle and forms her number.
"Hello? Who is this?"
"Rayna!" he whispers yells
"Rody?! Where the heck are you?"
"I'm at Vince's apartment."
"Did he kidnap you?!"
"No he didn't. It's a long story. He lives right above the bistro."
"Oh how lucky for him." sarcasm is shown in her voice
"I'll try to come home."
"Don't. It's dark out. Who knows if a creep will come out and kill you. I'll just see you at the bistro ok?"
"I'm sorry"
"Don't apologize. I'm happy you are safe. I don't know what I would do... if I I lost you. I love you so much."
Rody's heart flutters at her words.
"I love you too. I'll make it up to you."
"Just sleep well for now. Good night cousin."
"Good night Ray" he hangs up
The lights turned on.
"There you are Rody. I was wondering where you disappeared."
Vince woke up when Rody opened his bedroom door.
"I had to make a call. Sorry for waking you up. I should leave."
"But it's dark outside."
"It is rude of me to stay longer than I need to."
"And it's rude to leave when someone invites you over." Vince grabs Rody by the waist "Let's go back to bed."
If Rody sees himself in the mirror, he would see a tomato instead of a face.
"So adorable" he kisses Rody's cheek
"O-Ok. EEP!" he got lifted bridal style, carried back to the bedroom and put on the bed "V-Vince take your finger."
"From where?"
"M-My..." Vincent's index is in Rody's navel under the shirt
He doesn't listen, a smirk on his face. He circles his finger. Rody tries not to laugh. He is very ticklish there. Other 9 fingers tickle Rody on the stomach, making the ginger hair laugh loudly.
"Stop it stop it! Hahahaha!!" his laugh is adorable
After a minute of torture, Vince stops. Rody can finally breath.
"Don't say you're worthless when you have such a beautiful smile." he kisses him on the forehead
Rody never felt this loved before, but is it for real? Is Vince acting? If Rody's heart gets broken again, Rayna will be on a rage.
Their bodies get closer. Rody can feel Vince's warmth from his body. Vince may be cold, but can definitely warm a ginger hair boy's broken heart.

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