Chapter 18

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Vincent's writing replies for letters he got recently. Some are requests for an interview, others are invitations for a few dinners. He mutters a few curses as he doesn't want to attend anything. The door suddenly opens.
"Chef, customers are served. I think I got a bit of time." seeing Rody lowers his anger level "Would you like some red wine?"
Vincent moves his finger to signal him to come closer.
"I'm not in the mood for wine. What if you entertain me instead?"
The ginger blushes by Vince's idea. He gets on his knees, unzipping his chef's pants. He saw his cock before, yet he licks his lips hungrily every time it is in his sight. Putting something huge in your throat can cause pain due to the muscles being forced to stretch, yet he got used to it. He wastes no second to put half of it in his mouth. Clean with a smell of lemon.
"Mon coeur... you make me go insane with that pretty face of yours~" Vince pets the soft ginger hair "Go under my desk in case anyone comes in."
"I don't fit"
"I'll squeeze you in." Rody barely fit in but he managed to "Continue"
"Yes master~" him the master, him the pet, it's their "innocent" game
Rody feels hard. He caress the tent on his pants as he continues to enjoy his "big treat". Vince continues to reply at his letters, shaking a bit. Rody slides a hand in his pants, shoving two fingers in his entrance, going deep enough to hit that good spot.
"What are you doing? Fingering is my job." he grabs Rody, him ending up on the chef's lap "Naughty boy" two pale fingers invade the ginger's walls
"Mmf c-chef the c-cooks might hear~"
"Then I suggest you be quiet. Tho I do want to hear you scream." he growls
Hitting that spot again and again, not going deep enough with his fingers to not tire his waiter too fast. As usual, in one motion, his long cock invades the inner walls.
"Hey chef?"
"Wanna know which dish from you I liked the most?"
"I'm curious. Which dish was tastier?"
"All of them. One was interesting. The ink pasta. It was black as your hair."
"Really. I thought you'd say either of a dessert I made you."
"Everything you make is delicious. It's to be expected. You're a professional." he hugs him closer "I'm... not"
"I don't want a cold, stoic Rody. I want my sweet puppy Rody."
The way Vincent calls him a puppy is melting Rody's heart.
"Who do you love? Me or her?"
"Her? Ray?"
"No. Your ex. Loving your own family is a different story."
"You. I love you."
"Are you still thinking of her?"
"I wasn't until you mentioned her."
"My bad then" he slaps Rody's butt as he thrusts into him
"EEP!" he gets red faced, Vince laughs
"You'll have to clean yourself now." he spills his seeds in, a lot too "I have one towel there." he points to a closet
Rody grabs the towel to wipe himself. He gives it to Vince to clean himself.
*Knock knock knock*
"Mr. Lamoree, there is a woman who is asking for your presence now." one of the cooks say
"Is it Rayna?"
"Um no"
"I guess I'll go check." he rushes out of the office to the dining room
The lady looks exactly like his mom.
"Rody my sweet nephew!" the woman kisses all over his face
"What brings you in Paris? And out of nowhere?"
"Can't I see my nephew working? I've just missed you especially after your mom called me about dinner. Where is your new boyfriend?"
"AUNT SHHHH! Nobody knows we're dating! Just come with me." he drags her to the kitchen, to the office "Chef, I'd like you to meet my aunt."
Vince blinks a few times.
"Hello ma'am. My apologies but I have no idea how to know the difference of you and your sister."
"Me and my sister got a tattoo each of our names. Jewelry can be switched."
"Vincent Charbonneau" he kisses her hand as a gentleman
"I heard a lot about you. Your bistro is one of the most popular of Paris. I was told how tasty your food is and since my little Rody is here, it is my chance to eat a dish too."
"Um aunt, the bistro only has 4 items."
"My menu is more unique. Every day I change the menu. How about a meal on the house?"
"Oh I wouldn't. But if you insist, here is my written approval." she gives him a piece of paper
"Approval for what?" he unfolds it
"My approval to marry my nephew."
"Auntie not you too come on!!"
"Oh shush you! I never liked that girl when you presented her. This young man clearly can treat you more like a prince than her."
Vince hides his grin behind the paper. Rody got his plate of embarrassment.
"I'll go back to the dining room. I'll tell you what I want." she leaves the office
"A bit hot tempered. Your cousin got it from her no joke."
"Somebody put me in the trash where I belong."
"Hey hey no negativity in my bistro. I will personally cook the meal for her. Go serve her some wine."
"Yes chef" before Rody could exit, he's grabbed by Vince for a deep kiss
"Good boy~" flustered, he rushes out

"How is the meal auntie?"
"Very nice and light. A young prodigy you are sir Charbonneau."
"You flatter me ma'am."
"He has that smile again it gives me the goosebumps. Does Vicky also smile like that or is just him?"
"I'll recommend this bistro to my girl friends."
"How is uncle?"
"Same as always, very busy. He says hi by the way."
"Such a shame. Maybe I could see him next time."
"You will at your wedding."
Rody doesn't look at Vince because he already knows he is smirking at him.

"How about everyone yells that I'm to be married to the biggest chef prodigy of Paris?" Rody talks to himself as he's cleaning the floor fustrated "Jesus, I'm not that special. Why make a big deal out of this?" he still doesn't know he's watched from the hole
Rody looks at the hole on the wall. He should find something to cover it. He grabs a painting and puts it there.
"There. It was creeping me out a bit."
Suddenly, his neck gets itchy, his hand close to scratch it.
"Not again. Damn you Vince and your vampire teeth." those white fangs are on his mind, biting in his soft, tanned flesh, leaving hickeys for weeks
"Rody" the waiter jumps
"Yes chef? I'm almost done cleaning."
"I'm closing up. Come on."
"I have to go home. I haven't seen Ray in a while."
"I'll drive you there."

Rody rushes to their apartment.
"Slow down" Vince follows behind
"What if she got hurt??"
"Panicking won't solve anything."
Successfully, Rody unlocks the door. It takes him 10 seconds to reach Rayna's bedroom and open the door.
Vince rushes to see why Rody yelped. He bursts out laughing.
"Look who is dirty now."
Their cousins, on her bed, fully naked.
"WHY ARE YOU HERE YOU BASTARD? GET OUT!" Vicky is embarrassed, she is covering herself with the blanket
"This is my blanket give it back!"
Rody throws his uniform vest at her.
"I need some bleach to wash my eyes. Rayna whyyyyy?"
"Don't blame me! She jumped at me!"
Vince wipes the tears from his eyes.
"I'm gonna take this lady home for a long talk. Excuse me." Vince drags his now clothed cousin out
*Front door closing*
"Not a word"
"Auntie came at the bistro."
"Mom came at the bistro?"
"All the family is approving of my not so casual marriage."
"What marriage?"
"Don't tell me..."
"Yep, you guessed."
"Don't blame me!"
They groan together as Rayna dresses up, Rody locks the front door.
The Lamorees are entangled with the Charbonneaus. Will they escape? Not really and they can't escape.

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